Yeahthanks, but no thanks. Our community has voted.

Toriabiz, you are declined.
Slycooper, we are having a really hard decision about you. We haven't accepted many (none) video editors to GATA before. So if we accept you now, then it would mean a renovation of GATA's board. Which might be a good thing. I'll inform you later about what our reaction to you is
Want to join GATA?Apply here
Free textures
That's okay, i will re-apply when i got better
Seniman Elektronik Indonesia | GATA
Got any questions ? Throw me a PM or just mention @toriabiz on Twitter
Originally Posted by aerox21 View Post
Yeahthanks, but no thanks. Our community has voted.

Toriabiz, you are declined.
Slycooper, we are having a really hard decision about you. We haven't accepted many (none) video editors to GATA before. So if we accept you now, then it would mean a renovation of GATA's board. Which might be a good thing. I'll inform you later about what our reaction to you is

Take as long as you want, I'm going to be making Fr3styL a clan video soon, along with Week 5 being the last vid in the weekly series. So those are going to be awesome, especially the clan video. You could make your final decisions sometime after that
Originally Posted by Slycooper View Post
Take as long as you want, I'm going to be making Fr3styL a clan video soon, along with Week 5 being the last vid in the weekly series. So those are going to be awesome, especially the clan video. You could make your final decisions sometime after that

I like the patience of this young-un.
Sigma | Gata
Lost pet looking for home
1. Do you focus on textures, art or both (which field of art):
Art, I used to do texturing but I soon figured out that it took a really long time to get mapping and shading to make high quality textures.

2. How long have you been creating textures/art?
I haven't been making GFX for too long (few months), but i've been using PS for around 3 years.

3. Why do you want to join us?
GATA has high standards. I'm hoping that my skills are just well enough to get in, and once I do, I'll be able to improve and grow as an artist with the help of you guys.

4. Write a couple of sentences on what inspired you to do what you do in the Toribash community.
I was bored one day and I was browsing the art section of the forums. I came
across a GFX megathread with a lot of really nice looking signatures. I thought that
it would be cool if I could figure out how to do that and make them for people. So,
I looked up a few tutorials and started.

5. Do you have an textures/art shop in Toribash?
No, I made a few, none are currently open.

6. Post at least three examples of your textures/art.

7. Post a link to a shop/portfolio/gallery of works that you have.
Not sure how to link imageshack portfolios

8: /ignore

9. Alt: Tor1g0d
Originally Posted by aerox21 View Post
Slycooper is in btw. Welcome!

I'm just now aware of this, so psyched. Thanks guys, I'll be able to make better videos now with your help c:

I'll be posting something by tonight, it's a small clip from something i'm making