
Only if they didn't surrender I would have rek'd them all so hard even though they tried so hard to get me and couldn't anyways... lol
Top lane Vayne too good.
Last edited by DruggedPanda; Jul 13, 2014 at 07:35 AM.
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Originally Posted by SparChar View Post
My friend actually just went straight into ranked on his own and got into Silver V. Lucky bastard.

just happened to me actually


Originally Posted by Agentmax View Post
Zed be broken... usually. I just don't like his ulti. Other than that he be okay.

I'm bad at this game

Ranked just ain't for me. Also why do you have my name in your sig?

I dunno, you tell me e.e

OH and I actually had Udyr in my pool for a while and I just decided to use him. It's pretty funny when you max bear stance early and just run past everything.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
Originally Posted by SparChar View Post
I dunno, you tell me e.e

OH and I actually had Udyr in my pool for a while and I just decided to use him. It's pretty funny when you max bear stance early and just run past everything.

Only Rammus jung for me, (jk udyr is fun to play when the rest of your team doesn't leave you out to dry) but phantom dancer on rammus is the new meta. Q goes through shit gg you win. (Jk but I'm serious... but not really. But am I?) But for real Rammus is one of my better jungs, except when my ADC's ahem excuse me (MARKSMAN) isn't throwing a complete shitfit
But in all reality... I think I might be insane...
Originally Posted by Agentmax View Post
Only Rammus jung for me, (jk udyr is fun to play when the rest of your team doesn't leave you out to dry) but phantom dancer on rammus is the new meta. Q goes through shit gg you win. (Jk but I'm serious... but not really. But am I?) But for real Rammus is one of my better jungs, except when my ADC's ahem excuse me (MARKSMAN) isn't throwing a complete shitfit

So wait, does that phantom dancer on ramburger actually work? I have got to try that shit out when I get home

Are you an artist and want to make a decent amount of TC? Check out this thread.
If you're thinking that it goes through enemy minions, no. It's an auto target spell that activates no matter what when it hits an enemy hitbox. You can just now blaze through your own minion line.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Every time I get a Rammus jungle, I counter jungle his shit all day and make him my bitch. I have yet to see him in provisionals, but if I do, it's prob a free win lol
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
@SparChar You should look up my winrate on rammus; getting fb on enemy lee sin's is more possible than you think ;o

Not once in my time of playing league have I ever had both teams besides the adc's be all AP champs :o


Yeah we won; it was the game with 4/1/3.
Fizz actually fed and so did morg ^^' but top laner made up for it with me in roams. They surrendered after arguing with eachother.

And EJM. I finally understand why you like Elise so much, this is the 3rd or 4th day of having her and I love her. She's so fluid to play and I love how she doesn't fall off too hard like some other champs. Good all throughout the game