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Mack - T - TDIHY.rpl (315.5 KB, 9 views)
|Opener by Xioi|#KillTheScootCork|
"Cool delfin med solglajjor" -Larfen
opener is somehow a worse version of nuthugs nutdemo2 . rest of the rpl is coool i especially liked the breakdance part as well as the transition out of it. wish you did some bigger tricks though and the hook towards the end is kinda ugly and weak imo
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Xioi - Klas.rpl (503.9 KB, 3 views)
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
Sick replay, your solution to the uke problem you showed in #replays is completely different to mine and very interesting. The manip looks super cool but I wish you had taken care to iron out some of the twitches throughout.

My only criticism is mostly an autistic thing and I just think that if a replay is going to end after one hit it should visually be the best possible hit you can get. I like to look for symmetry personally and then maximise the DMs. In this example since you are going for a double kick and the second leg doesn't get to do any work on the hit, I think if you aimed your left leg towards uke's opposite shoulder, and tried to go for 5 DMs by oblitering his upper torso it'd look extremely satisfying. I just think it adds a lot to the replay when the hit is a lot cleaner, because as it stands this one looks like you just hit the nearest possible joints and went with it.

Pose is cool tho lol