A statue of the moment a plane flew into the... just kidding

How about a plaque with our names
Pickled is alright
And fresh is quite a delight
at the beginning of each match the opponent could pick which religion they worship and according to that, different building would appear in the distance so christians would get a church, muslims would see 9/11 etc.
Giant movie screen playing the obey clan video in its entirety.
And the screen has tits
Last edited by visceral; Sep 22, 2018 at 10:02 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
A tutor on a cloud that is controlled by staff in shifts

For example Neko controls it for 1 hour every Monday, Tinerr for 1 hour after, Tyzi on Tuesdays and then it keeps going
PM me with any and all questions