I love this idea but I fear I cannot help as I can't play mp atm and also can't use IRC. Nonetheless, if you have any job for me, feel free to ask...

Suggestion: Accept ads.

Good luck with this. It's amazing what creating a currency can do...
Should we start searching for an event?
I am really stoked about reviewing and interviews.
This is such a cool idea.
I want to be a news writer. If I would have to pick another proffesion to choose over being a lawyer, it would be a sports writer.
Evil, personified in a chocolate bar.
Let's begin to search some events... what about Pirate's Classic Tourney and Nabi's Best of the Best ?
Unfortunately, I won't be able to be online for those events, but if one video maker can record some replays and sum up the events, that'll be great.

We need :
  • A report for Pirate's Classic Tourney (?)
  • A video for Pirate's Classic Tourney (?)
  • A report for the Best of the Best (VolcanoX)
  • A video for the Best of the Best (?)
  • An interview of the winner of "Best of the Best" (VolcanoX)
  • An article which introduce ToriNews (Melmoth)
  • A logo (Melmoth)
  • Merge all those infos and write our first thread (Melmoth)

Who wants to help ?

I think that for our first week, we can work for free, since nobody knows us yet.
Next week we'll try to get paid for promotting a clan or an event.
Last edited by Melmoth; Apr 22, 2008 at 12:38 AM.
I'm obviously going to help.
I love writing.
Sign me up with whatever.
I will do it upon command.
Of course RedSkins wants to help with the reviews.
If you can squeeze me in, then that would be cool.
Hey I'll try and be a reporter/journalist/writer

My parents always said I wrote well so I guess this could be a good chance to practice for English class.
Since when did I become Asian?
If you get an open spot, I'd love to be a Photographers/Video Maker.
Last edited by ashaltaf; Apr 22, 2008 at 01:07 AM.
[23:19] <HebrewHamr> i'm catholic
Thought it over a bit and since my homework is slacking off slightly I've time to be a writer xD

Count me in!

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
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