China is a industrial hub due to cheap labour all companies are diverted to china for production purpose. Pollution from this industries would be a big trouble for them and it is increasing day by day at a great speed.
Sometimes I just don't like China... They kill innocent dogs and eat them and they pollute shit and fuck the world up. I know theyre not the only ones... I'm not saying chinese are bad people but quit a few of them are bad people
Why do topics about foreign countries always spawn racist comments?

One, how is eating a dog any different from eating a chicken or a pig? Considering also that America alone kills 8 billion chickens a year for food, what's to say that's any less immoral than eating dogs? Besides, it's not even a mainstay part of their diet. It's a desperation food source. Rats and cats are also eaten because it's expensive to get "normal" meat.

Two, how is China any more guilty of polluting the world than America, or Europe? They entered a period of coal-burning industrialization well before China did, and they still have larger carbon footprints, despite having significantly smaller populations.

Three, why would you need to specify that "quite a few Chinese are bad people"? Why does it matter that they are Chinese if you admit that China isn't the only nation which behaves selfishly? In fact, why is the fact that some people are bad even relevant?

I'm not saying China is innocent of blame, far from it, but shit is it that hard to talk about international politics without overgeneralizing a population?
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
I don't think China is gonna do anything with this pollution. I mean yes they could help it somewhat. But, I don't think they would bother really because they ruined the atmosphere beyond repair. If they are gonna do something, they better do it fast because it's already destroying the atmosphere quickly.
Last edited by Redundant; Apr 2, 2014 at 10:05 PM. Reason: why do you say really all the time? it's kinda weird really
Team Sad
And your response, as outlined nicely by Oracle, was incredibly shallow, simplistic, and dumb.

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
if you love america please sign this petition