Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post

Have you been winning a lot of ETourneys?
Have you wondered how much has been hosted?
Is it your dream to brag to your friends that you've won more ETournies than they have?

Then this is the thread for you!
Here you can see all the ETourney and EVictory winners!

Name:                    | wins
Wounder                  | 15
Prince                   | 12
Fred                     | 10
SemiHampa                | 10
TinyCow                  | 10
Hardubs                  | 6
Shade                    | 6
Freshkek                 | 6
Lamby                    | 6
darkscraft               | 5
Xeneizear                | 5
Diamond                  | 5
Karteiro                 | 5
Dare                     | 5
ezalor                   | 4
Tobik91                  | 4
BIGTITMCGEE              | 4
Dylan                    | 4
Ceytune                  | 4
dexter                   | 4
Junai                    | 4
RRDube420                | 4
iNoca                    | 4
kickass57                | 4
Karstnator               | 4
Calco999                 | 4
BOOMBIG                  | 3
Fatypanda                | 3
Kunt                     | 3
AssassinDark             | 3
Artyrlol                 | 3
Logp                     | 3
Berzerk                  | 3
Sentral                  | 3
Kane                     | 3
Revx                     | 3
Komutsuki                | 3
Nulu                     | 3
HOPE                     | 3
Flame                    | 3
Cowmeat                  | 3
Yocuz                    | 3
krisis13                 | 3
FleshMon                 | 3
Greh                     | 3
Extrazor                 | 3
Tjulienm                 | 3
Code                     | 3
iTemp                    | 3
xXjokedXx                | 2
Baptiste23               | 2
lilfishy1                | 2
Nope                     | 2
RedBooza                 | 2
King                     | 2
Blackbooster             | 2
Crollex                  | 2
MCS4NEk                  | 2
Aldun                    | 2
Moveset                  | 2
ezzeldin9                | 2
12tb21                   | 2
Rank1Boy                 | 2
Boggeten		 | 2
Grohenbird               | 2
Oshun                    | 2
Static                   | 2
TheGumball               | 2
Miner                    | 2
4ares                    | 2
W0nder                   | 2
Hypez                    | 2
DomDoDm16                | 2
Jen7                     | 2
dead4your                | 2
Regrater                 | 2
blobus1234               | 2
Deoxer                   | 2
Shmevin                  | 2
NANI                     | 2
miguelrx2                | 2
TheWrit3r                | 2
Karbn                    | 2
updenso                  | 2
Veoo                     | 2
HiPower                  | 2
KazuyaFR                 | 2
charib                   | 2
Charism                  | 2
Swepples                 | 2
lolnest                  | 2
aero                     | 2
AussieCunt               | 2
HeyDJ                    | 2
Balik                    | 2
Bleedhound               | 2
codetuds                 | 2
Steelers12               | 2
troller7                 | 2
Chintu                   | 2
Samkayne                 | 2
Creati0n                 | 2
Nugget ;)                | 2
Haku                     | 1
hoihouhoi                | 1
SemiBravo                | 1
Kianos                   | 1
jugami                   | 1
SemiCold                 | 1
Flames                   | 1
Kayido                   | 1
MisterSwat               | 1
Swat                     | 1
MyPupSky                 | 1
Blur                     | 1
Ash4136                  | 1
Zwar                     | 1
Gold                     | 1
CrimsonVava              | 1
Chatogo                  | 1
BlackDragon              | 1
NuclearWinter            | 1
Slicc                    | 1
EazyStreet               | 1
Lopice                   | 1
Joel                     | 1
dista                    | 1
ciggraph12               | 1
Titoine2                 | 1
realVortex               | 1
chatogato                | 1
piratpet4i               | 1
emoney78                 | 1
Vectorman                | 1
Manitoda                 | 1
Sulare                   | 1
Bodhisattva              | 1
nanaomi                  | 1
Odke                     | 1
NERFPLS                  | 1
WiggityWoo               | 1
Hexhill                  | 1
Kamekaz                  | 1
Rissei                   | 1
Jere                     | 1
SemiHampa1               | 1
Fiz18                    | 1
Hue                      | 1
Sharkasm                 | 1
Killerkelt               | 1
T0astman                 | 1
Allno                    | 1
bman2095                 | 1
Luiq                     | 1
deadlypanda              | 1
ChocoSopa                | 1
Fade                     | 1
Quest                    | 1
Kiss                     | 1
Tabby                    | 1
Vetz1                    | 1
Typhon                   | 1
Galaxy                   | 1
CJAY47                   | 1
S2kser                   | 1
icantseeyou              | 1
SemiCold                 | 1
ove                      | 1
Tops620                  | 1
Wizzoradre               | 1
Whizkid14                | 1
Goldenrodd               | 1
Murcinary                | 1
Cobra                    | 1
Aurelien91               | 1
Death20                  | 1
Dark871                  | 1
NATSU11                  | 1
Telepathy                | 1
Lightweight              | 1
Coobana                  | 1
Gary                     | 1
Omegalight1              | 1
Swosh                    | 1
sendmeurcrackers         | 1
Bank2017                 | 1
WeooWeoo                 | 1
Adolus                   | 1
Soccerblue               | 1
Wattr                    | 1
Necr0W0lF                | 1
Alastor                  | 1
getsmakt                 | 1
Beats00                  | 1
SixTrix                  | 1
Aerostatic               | 1
RageOff                  | 1
dankator                 | 1
Flow                     | 1
Col2un                   | 1
Static                   | 1
mwah                     | 1
ghost                    | 1
Rionex                   | 1
Minimoe                  | 1
hobo                     | 1
hardcod                  | 1
Skitzofrenic             | 1
Seth                     | 1
Hide                     | 1
MaLtICo713               | 1
Winter                   | 1
Oriq                     | 1
meatdad                  | 1
Tudson                   | 1
1blaze1                  | 1
ShhhMikes                | 1
Scourge                  | 1
Yoda                     | 1
woeb                     | 1
nerv                     | 1
ParaZit                  | 1
Quidman                  | 1
P0int                    | 1
GetBlazed                | 1
Idle                     | 1
Zero                     | 1
IndoJosh                 | 1
Dylan                    | 1
wurstere22               | 1
psychoryan               | 1
KidJay                   | 1
AhYesTC                  | 1
TIcux                    | 1
Cold                     | 1
danilo901                | 1
Blimped                  | 1
Stone                    | 1
AxelsXD                  | 1
Artamiel                 | 1
Nightflow                | 1
Mr8008135                | 1
Smagauris                | 1
zerk2                    | 1
121rdo                   | 1
damlgblzer               | 1
Redblast0                | 1
fijishui                 | 1
daggerdicc               | 1
EliMcFly                 | 1
Kirito                   | 1
iam3pic                  | 1
inmortal8                | 1
jimjon17                 | 1
endtag                   | 1
japa1324                 | 1
Fistoflife               | 1
dick                     | 1
BoxSpring                | 1
imCaden                  | 1
Ubashgirl                | 1
Coolbill12               | 1
Shadowsinn               | 1
Killerxd2                | 1
s7ing                    | 1
Timeworker               | 1
deprived                 | 1
KillerBotX               | 1
RubyDog                  | 1
LAUGHINGLO               | 1
Tristan                  | 1
CapMNO                   | 1
Gridlocker               | 1
Parrot                   | 1
elvis                    | 1
iSmokeMDMA               | 1
sonicsoni                | 1
Faker                    | 1
Kahn                     | 1
Jencam13                 | 1
DTR2                     | 1
Denator                  | 1
godlemon                 | 1
dinoking51               | 1
SukiLostTc               | 1
NotGrid                  | 1
DeliMeatC3               | 1
RockTheDay               | 1
DragonTG                 | 1
Col12un                  | 1
Goku                     | 1
NotFazjog                | 1
Reno                     | 1
Jabarama                 | 1
Carls                    | 1
Weebly                   | 1
Erth                     | 1
Life                     | 1
loljvms123               | 1
ichigoS27                | 1
Leomitosis               | 1
poop                     | 1
mitobugato               | 1
Grrreatest               | 1
Surge                    | 1
haxton7                  | 1
MyLeftNut8               | 1
Prime                    | 1
Celious                  | 1
fazjog                   | 1
Silveti                  | 1
Sooplex                  | 1
GabeElite                | 1
ImPhantom9               | 1
Warabi                   | 1
Rosed                    | 1
cat4hbk                  | 1
Shaderoses               | 1
Vishnu                   | 1
Bank816			 | 1
ImsoRusty                | 1
Tremor                   | 1
Energetic9		 | 1
Laserkidz                | 1
Obito10			 | 1
jungieu			 | 1

Name:                    | wins
Adventure                | 2
ecchi                    | 2
Parrot                   | 1
Clout Gods               | 1
Vector                   | 1
[UssR]                   | 1
Nitro                    | 1
SAD BOYS                 | 1
Power Punch              | 1
Trance                   | 1
Sinners                  | 1
Mitos Brasileiros        | 1

Name:                    | wins
BIGTITMCGEE              | 1
Lamby                    | 1
NANI                     | 1
Tremor                   | 1
Karbn                    | 1
Tabby                    | 1
dead4your                | 1
Crollex                  | 1
Celious                  | 1
Ceytune                  | 1
dexter                   | 1
troller7                 | 1
Laserkidz                | 1
Weed                     | 1
Wounder                  | 1
Silveti                  | 1
Prince                   | 1
loljvms123               | 1
WiggityWoo               | 1
japa1324                 | 1











Last edited by ymir; Nov 14, 2017 at 04:06 PM.
Owner of Fred
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Well april just ended so yes

Find the hidden shovel and uncover the secrets of my religion.

10:17 PM <~Creati0n> GAS THE DUELERS
6:35 PM <&Fear> good job reta you are now the King Admin
6:35 PM <Typhon> Gj Reta god

Hello amigos, The Megathread is currently undergoing some major updates.
Because of this the Event Squad has chosen to close the thread during its fixing.
This should take no longer than a week or two at most.

Real human from Event Squad! Send your applications to me <3

I updated the thread for a few months including may.
We will try to keep this accurate in the future.

Find the hidden shovel and uncover the secrets of my religion.

10:17 PM <~Creati0n> GAS THE DUELERS
6:35 PM <&Fear> good job reta you are now the King Admin
6:35 PM <Typhon> Gj Reta god