Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Which med schools did you apply to?

My girlfriend just had her last (well 3) interviews with UAB, so now she plays that god awful waiting game.
Need help?
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Originally Posted by hanz0 View Post

I was actually a biochemistry major (You were close!). I'm interested in going into medicine and am currently going through the process of applying to schools - had an interview at one a few months ago, bla bla. At the moment I'm working as a tech at the hospital for a year or two while I wait on med school stuff. I'm pretty interested in all branches of science really, but I find biochem and neuroscience especially interesting.

Oh, haha! Bad memory.

Oh nice, good luck with that! It can surely be tedious!

Neat! So you can work as a technician with a biochemistry B.S.? Or did you go for a masters or something?

Nice! I'm taking neuroscience this semester, and it's really interesting! I can't say I love biochemistry though, haha.
Your messed up world enthrills me
Wow hanz0! applying to america or also to england for medicine? also heart surgeon or neurosurgeon thats my dillema, whats your opinion?
Originally Posted by DrHax View Post
Which med schools did you apply to?

My girlfriend just had her last (well 3) interviews with UAB, so now she plays that god awful waiting game.

I only applied to 6 schools which is apparently way below average (I think the average is like 13 or something). Yeah, the waiting game is pretty much the worst thing - but I'm pretty sure I should hear back about that interview by the end of this month.

Originally Posted by iSpeed View Post
I don't know, can I?
Would you?

I'm actually terrible at drawing horses so no.

Originally Posted by cocacobra View Post
I really enjoy your sense of humor. I really enjoy the way you shit on people. Is your favorite color purple-orange?

Not super big on purple (though I do have a nice-looking purple dress shirt) but I do like orange.

Originally Posted by William View Post
Oh, haha! Bad memory.

Oh nice, good luck with that! It can surely be tedious!

Neat! So you can work as a technician with a biochemistry B.S.? Or did you go for a masters or something?

Nice! I'm taking neuroscience this semester, and it's really interesting! I can't say I love biochemistry though, haha.

Ah, "tech" in that context actually refers to this position. It's not glorious or fancy work but it is important and I really enjoy it. It's an excellent way to learn how to interact with patients, which unfortunately seems like a skill that some doctors lack.

I've always been pretty interested by anything sciencey, though I wasn't big on chemistry up until university. My freshman chemistry professor (whose lab I ended up working in for two years) was a Nobel laureate and an excellent teacher, so that probably helped a lot.

Originally Posted by Possesed View Post
Wow hanz0! applying to america or also to england for medicine? also heart surgeon or neurosurgeon thats my dillema, whats your opinion?

Just schools in the States. I did consider something in surgery at one point but I'm currently refraining from deciding what field to go into, since I know that many med students change their minds completely when they hit their clinical rotations.

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
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Originally Posted by Complexity View Post
Do people think you're a dick in real life?

I sure hope not. :(

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
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