Endurance Onslaught 6.0
If you disappear then I'll assume you quit the game, its better for my soul.

I sincerely hope you stick around though, your replays are hella sick.

Also you're a pretty cool dude and I like having people I like in the community there aren't enough of them.
[12:00] <fudgiebalz> toribash SUCKS
Check my ~~~Dank Replays~~~


Don't worry about drama, a little drama is GOOD FOR YOU. But dude, please know this: Whatever you do, i think you're a cool bro. I wouldn't have painted you the SEAMAN if that wasn't the case. I know it's like super suspicious that people suddenly pour out all their feels about you at this particular point, but it is because we care. Since you're already getting professional help, i'm not going to bother telling you to seek help. Just know that depression is an illness; it CAN be cured, and it CAN go away. It's not necessarily something you'll have to live with forever, and thank goodness for that.

I know you asked us to not armchairpsychologist you, and i will try to oblige. I'll be here if you need someone to ramble to, but if you end up doing the unthinkable (and i really hope it doesn't come to that)... Well, i'll miss you, but i'll see you on the other side when that time comes. :I
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Originally Posted by jisse View Post
Their and your lives will go on even if mine does not
If it's any help, know that I did what I thought was best for me and the world as a whole

You are correct, in the terms that their lives will go on. BUT, even though their lives will go on, it will never be the same for them; even the people that slightly knew you.

If you decide to kill yourself, you will likely pass the emotional pain to people that know you, and they'll have to carry that mental burden for the rest of their lives. Even people on a video game would hate knowing that somebody they know passed away, especially in that way. We all care about you, even though some of us barely know you. You are a fellow human being just like us, so we can't stand seeing somebody go through this. Same goes for IRL, but maybe the people around you (or at school) don't know what you're going through right now.

Think of what you can do to feel better. Try viewing the world differently, and ignore the people that you don't like. Maybe if you explain your issues to people that you don't normally talk to, they'll be able to help.

I know that you didn't necessarily want advice/help, but this is my perspective on your current situation.

Good luck, friend.
Last edited by Water; Jan 15, 2015 at 12:23 AM.
Seriously jisse, if this game is helping you.
Play. The. Shit. Out. Of. It. OK?
It takes alot of mental processing so it should take your mind off of alot of things. Post another one of those replay making threads in the ormo subforum, idek about the others. But I will make sure to post at least one Idea per day.
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
cnc is an endangered resource
Also Jisse, there was one time where I had the exact same thoughts as you, I even emailed a couple of friends saying thanks and stuff. I even used to practice strangling my neck with a towel to prepare for the real thing. I was ready to go, but knowing that I was a physical part of few dozens of people's heart, I just couldn't, so I waited it out, got religious, started golf training, played toribash and watched a lot of rowan atkinson and john cleese british comedy (funniest guys ever). Today, 3 years later, I turned out ok, I am stronger, I look back at what happened and wondered how did I go through it. The key is patience, you have possibly another 100 years of opportunities.don't let go of it
Parkour like you've never seen before:
Thanks guys this really really means a lot to me :)
I'm feeling a little better today, crawled out of my pit of despair a little. I have little hope I will keep feeling better though, every little setback hits really hard.
It rained when I walked home for example, made me want to lay down and cry
Jisse, I know you get a lot of people saying they "understand" where you are at, although you know they don't. I havery the sane problem. I can't explain to you the different ways I tried to kill myself, I even had people I thought were friends give me tips on how to do it. All I want to say is, try to change things around, try looking at things from a different angle, try going out more, try just new habits, try even just finding a punching bag and beat it until you can't anymore. I had the same way of thinking you do, just hear me out and try to change things. Try to even ask a cute girl(or guy) out that you have no clue who they are and see where it leads you. Or even just start hanging out with someone who will talk you out of moments when you break down and just want to cry. They will let you let your stress out and still be waiting for you when your done. If you don't have any friends like that, I will gladly be there for you. I can add you on my new skype if you want. If you keep going as you are you will only dig a deeper hole, I learned from experience, I fixed it by joining clubs and meeting new people aswell as started going to a gym every day and finding my own little spot and pushing all that stress out telling myself the only way to make it stop hurting is to get stronger. I know you've gotten a lot of stuff from people with advice but I promise you, just try to change something like that and see what happens, even if one change doesn't do anything, try to change something else. You are a nice guy, I've known you for a long time on a few different accounts, and it would be horrible to see the world lose someone like you, sure there may be other people who can be nicer or better at stuff but I don't know them and they certainly aren't my friend nor are they you. You are something special (in a good way). Please don't rid the world of one of its unique features.
Originally Posted by Shook View Post
Just know that depression is an illness; it CAN be cured, and it CAN go away. It's not necessarily something you'll have to live with forever, and thank goodness for that.

This. Completely this. It's a fucked up and tough illness.
Stay strong dude, and know that you've got a little family here scaterred around the world.
We're still kids in buses longing to be free.
Originally Posted by Oblivion View Post
This. Completely this. It's a fucked up and tough illness.
Stay strong dude, and know that you've got a little family here scaterred around the world.

Thanks Oblivionbro, I'll keep trying my hardest.
One can only do so much though.
Please, do not leave us. I am going through the exact same thing at the moment but please! I want this place to stay as a community. Think about the people who know you, what would happen to them if they got to know you finished yourself? They would think about what they could have done to save you. Eventually they maybe would go the same route. This is basicly the only thought that is making me keep on going. I hope it will have the same effect. Just remember, No matter how harsh we can be to eachother, This community cares about every single person.
|Opener by Xioi|#KillTheScootCork|
"Cool delfin med solglajjor" -Larfen