Originally Posted by Simon View Post

This is almost identical to the thread '' Sad Stories ''

No, not really. These stories are more for humour than sadness.
Dose is dead.
the server change was neccessary. all problems will be dealt with in time.
your patience is appreciated.
your cynicism is not.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
I would be nice to see the difference though.

I see a bunch of problems.

Like a decrease in population.

There arn't as many servers as there was before.

And the the placement of Off topic wasn't needed either.
Originally Posted by CYB0RG009 View Post
This dumb update.

I see no difference from before just a bunch of problems.

Have you gotten ingame? Have you not noticed less ping and connecting to servers much faster than before?

Are you an artist and want to make a decent amount of TC? Check out this thread.
Originally Posted by joshwaypro View Post
buying a 512x512 texture accidentally :/

Yea i did that once, the worst part is that it wasnt a head texture so it sold for much less than what i bought it for

Are you an artist and want to make a decent amount of TC? Check out this thread.
Edited a users qi by accident a few times, coupled with silly mistakes in TC/item management between users. Managed to rectify stuff before anyone noticed most of the time. Why they ever trusted me with TSA is beyond me.