i wanna share my opinion
(sorry for bad eng and sorry if something wrong here i typed)
old ninjutsu i liked if i remember right
and in my opinion no need to try change this mod to other with thinkings that ppls who kicking some a**es with simple moves instead something tricky are noobs or something other bad thinkings about those players > maybe they choosed this fighting techinque and choosed task to get more points/ is it so bad when you on tourney room ha?/ if you guys wanna make tourneys with prizes for fighting style tricks go and host it if you wanna instead something like that in my opinion/ and maybe those stuffs about ninjutsu its just wave of revenge from a** kicked ppls who loosed their matches and gone away without tc or something else?
>>> you can choose you playing style isnt it true? > so how about be fair and give your opponent this oppotunity too<<<

>> if ppls playing for fun with making their dolls move like fighting with tricks they wanna do tricky moves and dont care about points win/loose etc > ninjutsu.tbm (old) can support this type of game maybe

>> if ppls playing duel for tc or tourney and if they interested to win very big they will do simple moves with main task get more points and this is other side of game where both players compete on points getting competition > ninjutsu.tbm (old) can support this type of game maybe

>> if one opponents wanna poins and other wanna tricks wheres the problem dear guys who wanna delete old ninjutsu/ or you wanna force any group of players make them play other style which they can be free to choose? if someone wanna play tricks for fun etc he can make his room and set private match for fun/

bu**hurts happens but maybe will be more cool try to block it/ and stop be angry/

Dill about main opinion if i undstnd rght

but call ppls chiters who playing with simple moves for get more points in tourney to win match by points i think its not very fair (you change your playstyle your opponents can do it for himself too) = main opinion for change mod isnt very cool or fair idea (in my opinion/ and some arguments i showed in previous sentences)
just think about it
i undstnd maybe im not 100% right and my appologies if it so/

why you not deleted showel moves from aikido then? or not deleted those mods abd etc or not redone it with BIG DOJO/SMALL? by some moderators opinion//
Last edited by FlyingMonk; Apr 18, 2014 at 06:19 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump

I'd like to know who is the driving force behind this, because it's idiotic.

It's not cheating, it's people getting butthurt because they can't beat a certain move.
<the god> the god
<@Smilies2> modding tiem

You're making relevant points flyingmonk, points in which have been used before to
"revive" old ninjutsuservers. I love the current ninjutsu.tbm and don't think anything is
wrong with it, but many other players with higher authority don't see it that way.
I'm not saying they're wrong, they want what's best for the game, but that isn't necessarily
what the players desire.

The game wants to reward players for skill, and when someone uses the "turtle technique",
which doesn't require all that much skills to use efficiently, some see it as unfair.

If you want to debate on the matter of keeping old ninjutsu in the official servers feel
free to take that up in the public server mods thread, but this is not the place for it.
Here we're trying to fix what has been judged "broken" by the moderators, and make
a sufficient ninjutsu replacement for tc awarding servers.
Originally Posted by Condings View Post
i was wondering where the ninjutsu tournament went i love this mod and now its gone from the tc list we should have a petition to get it back with improvements i also enjoyed fighting you McDill i saw you a lot in there GG on trying to get it back

Thanks for the support<3 Feel free to suggest improvements on the current version.
Last edited by McDill; Apr 18, 2014 at 10:22 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
"Yes, I am, in fact, inferior to McDill"
could you upload this w/ the mod uploader so it can be played online? i would love to test this in multiplayer. i was going to upload it myself but i figured that might be rude
It isn't by any means rude, feel free to do it yourself.
Truth to be told I have no idea what this mod uploader is.
"Yes, I am, in fact, inferior to McDill"
I suck at ninjutsu but it's a good thing you're trying to bring it back. I never even knew what that opener was called but beating it was a pain in the arse. If it ever goes back, I promise I'll play a couple thousand games on it in a few belts.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
Thank you SparChar<3
Post any ideas for how to fix the current version.
"Yes, I am, in fact, inferior to McDill"