Original Post
[REL/WIP] Ninjutsu redone
It might have come to your attentions that ninjutsu.tbm yet again was
taken down from official servers, several moderators deemed it unfit for
competitive play.
Originally Posted by DrHax View Post
We will NOT put broken/unfair mods as an OFFICIAL mod of any TC awarding server.

Whether it's unfair or not is a discussable matter, but as any good doctor he presented us with a solution:
Originally Posted by DrHax View Post
(ninjutsu.tbm)...in it's current state, if no changes are made, you won't see it within public server rotation.

The objective of ninjutsu.tbm is simple, aquire the highest score before the timer
runs out without getting disqualified. You can push your opponent out of the
circle-shaped dojo, or fracture him/her to victory.

Feel free to suggest and contribute.

Known issues

Fixed issues

Changes that are not listed above:
Extended frames from 410 to 500.
Reactiontime was set as 15 seconds in the previous tournamentservers, will be extended to 20 by demand of players.


All hail skulloman, the creator of ninjutsu.
All bow before 3vil, who prepared ninjutsu for the 3.4.

Stabjutsu_original.tbm is not an improved version of ninjutsu.tbm
Attached Files
ninjutsu2.tbm (874 Bytes, 9 views)
Last edited by McDill; Apr 19, 2014 at 11:03 PM.
"Yes, I am, in fact, inferior to McDill"
You dont even know how much I love you now McDill, friend.
Lets pray that ninjutsu will be revived and put back as a tourney.
do you realize how easy is it to 4 pod with 55tf DQ and don't DQ? Easiest thing you can do. So pretty much I still think defensive playstyle dominates this mod so much it's pretty much same thing
I agree on Jsnuff's view. However i love the idea of fixing up most of the things to atleast enhance the bugs and downsites.

Good job and Thank you Sir
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
"We will NOT put broken/unfair mods as an OFFICIAL mod of any TC awarding server."

haha, if the mod was totally broken I could understand this, but this mod has been around forever, I really don't see what the issue is. Is he scared someone will spend a few hours to farm a couple of k?

If people like it and it's fun, there should be a server up for it.

Why was it removed, exactly?
<the god> the god
<@Smilies2> modding tiem

Originally Posted by JSnuffMARS View Post
do you realize how easy is it to 4 pod with 55tf DQ and don't DQ? Easiest thing you can do.

That would leave you extremely vulnerable to all manner of attacks.
The original ninjutsu has no dqtimeout inside the dojo, which allowed players to lay on their back with their knees and hip contracted. When a player approached they would simply extend their knee, preventing them from coming any closer, all while dishing out considerable amounts of damage.

This may sound easy to counter, the simple solution would be to attack your opponent from their blindspot,
however in the hands of an adept player who knew how to properly position themselves and read
their opponents moves, it gave them an unfair advantage. People (one guy?) started to use this method in tournaments
and duels to easily aquire tc, causing other players to cause a ruckus about it, calling it cheating.
Others saw this new playstyle as a challenge, wanting to conquer it, subdue it by their own way of playing.
This is where I, among others, started picking up on advanced playstyles such as blocking, ghostjuking and absorbing,
in order to defeat this new kind of foe. It was a really fun time, and we had one of the most knowledgeable players on the subject to teach us about it.

The player who started it all (funfact, he's the one who taught us too) has since apologised.
Originally Posted by culapou View Post
guys im sorry i killed your mod.

when i started playing i never intended it to be anything more than a test of defensive playstyle, I quite enjoyed the mod and didnt expect the gms to actually remove it from the servers.

Originally Posted by ClockworkMonkey View Post
Why was it removed, exactly?

The moderators removed it because they can't have a mod, where you can cheat your way to victory, in servers that award tc.
I believe your clanleader know more of the matter.

Originally Posted by ClockworkMonkey View Post
If people like it and it's fun, there should be a server up for it.

I've tried this approach already, we're free to create servers of our own, but there will be no official currencyawards from matches in ninjutsu.tbm.
Although several GMs held tournaments in that mod after the first removal of ninjutsuservers.

Sorry for the long read.

Originally Posted by Gargon555 View Post
You dont even know how much I love you now McDill, friend.


Originally Posted by Xioi View Post
Good job and Thank you Sir

"Yes, I am, in fact, inferior to McDill"
First off, I applaud your initiative and hoped my comment would spark something like this.

Secondly: I highly recommend either changing the starting positions of the Tori's, or adding a larger dojo. I think one of the biggest disadvantages that comes from "attacking the turtle", is how easy it is to be dq'd outside the dojo once you try to come in for an attack on a prone defensive unit.

Not sure if adding DQ inside the dojo helps or hurt, I'm inclined to think it hurt but that's just my opinion.

P.S: I'm not the "main guy" fighting off Ninjtusu, I like it a lot. Think I'm ranked in the top 10 or whatever in it. Have a plethora of good memories in the mod, I'm simply restating what's been said by mods, admins, etc over and over again.
Last edited by Bodhisattva; Apr 17, 2014 at 10:25 PM.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
so basically, cula was too good at ninjutsu so they banned the entire mod? hahaha, that's ridiculous.
<the god> the god
<@Smilies2> modding tiem

I am aware of your experience with the mod, and your opinions are by all means valued.
The dojo resize is an excellent point, although I wouldn't increase it too much as movement in -30 g doesn't go too quickly, and may be difficult to direct.
Not sure if the increased frames will balance this out.
Until a better solution against the "turtle opener" is found I'll keep the dqtimeout inside.
I agree that it hurts the ninjutsu spirit and limits mobility, but currently it's the only thing we have fighting off cula's opener.
Originally Posted by DrHax View Post
P.S: I'm not the "main guy" fighting off Ninjtusu

Never thought of you as an opposing force, only a moderator doing his job.
Last edited by McDill; Apr 17, 2014 at 11:31 PM.
"Yes, I am, in fact, inferior to McDill"
i was wondering where the ninjutsu tournament went i love this mod and now its gone from the tc list we should have a petition to get it back with improvements i also enjoyed fighting you McDill i saw you a lot in there GG on trying to get it back