Originally Posted by Stupinator View Post
well gee, I woulda done that if I'd known that it was ok to do

however seeing how rude some people in this clan wish to be, I'm not sure if that is what I should do right now.

You've already left and rejoined once already, and thats being pretty nice, since leaving a clan for another clan is pretty serious. I know you didn't mean to leave us just to leave us, but rather to keep another clan alive. So I want everybody to think about this, if Stups hadn't left in the first place, but would've done like Litto instead, no one would have been thinking about this at all. But Stup didn't know that was ok.

So I say we let him be a member in NO, and co-leader in demon to help them survive like Litto did to newb, and simply forget all of this.
Originally Posted by Sebsebeleb View Post
You've already left and rejoined once already, and thats being pretty nice, since leaving a clan for another clan is pretty serious. I know you didn't mean to leave us just to leave us, but rather to keep another clan alive. So I want everybody to think about this, if Stups hadn't left in the first place, but would've done like Litto instead, no one would have been thinking about this at all. But Stup didn't know that was ok.

So I say we let him be a member in NO, and co-leader in demon to help them survive like Litto did to newb, and simply forget all of this.

imo multiclanning is has always been gay and it will always be gay...its retarded...then we should all apply for at least 1 more clan...which is stupid...i didnt even know litto was leading personally against any multiclanning stuff...if they need a hand...form an unofficial alliance with that clan and you can help them...without leaving your clan and joining the one in trouble...bah that all multiclanning shit sucks...
Originally Posted by evilperson View Post
imo multiclanning is has always been gay and it will always be gay...its retarded...then we should all apply for at least 1 more clan...which is stupid...i didnt even know litto was leading personally against any multiclanning stuff...if they need a hand...form an unofficial alliance with that clan and you can help them...without leaving your clan and joining the one in trouble...bah that all multiclanning shit sucks...

I kinda' agree with you, its even worse when your a leader/co-leader of another clan because then you have to pay more attention to the one you lead instead of the one your in.
As always I've been my usual apathetic self.

However, Stup, I'm sure you understand that the extent of what has happened isn't incredibly endearing to many of the members. If you were wanting to rejoin, then you would probably have to go through the process of joining the clan over again.

I can see both sides of the argument here and (as usual) will serve as mediator. Or Fist of Justice. Whichever. I leave it to the members to decide.

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
if you love america please sign this petition
since i dont believe in multiclanning then imo that is not an option...

oke...if stup leaves/left NO for Demon to help out...and wishes to return then i think it would be oke to go thru the trial period like all potential members. that way we can be certain that he will show patience...

but i also think that out of respect for our decision about stup's status and also out of respect for ourselves and this clan as an institution, we should also resolve the question of litto's leadership of NEWB...(basicly we make him choose)
Evil, I have already asked hanz0.

He said it was fine.





Do you seriously think that anyone in NEWB could run it half-well?
yeah he said it was fine but imo its not...if youre unofficially helping to guide NEWB thats a diff story...but what does your sig say?i mean who you know in NEWB that is so important to make sure NEWB lives...imo if the clan is set to die so be it...there will be more clans...

i mean what kind of a clan is it that all the leaders left and let it to rot...obviously they thought its not worth it...(if you think my statements are flaming and insulting NEWB and you i am very sorry and i apologize cause it is not intended.i am merely trying to point out the obvious...)and if they need a leader then find one member who is half good and show him what he has to do...

you and stup are doing the same as for example: 3vi1 asks me to be co-leader of sheep while still in is that fair to other members and to the clan NO as a whole...?

im sorry to say this but you 2 are trying to sit on 2 chairs...which imo is lame at the very least.
If stup is limited to one clan (IE going to demon and not being allowed back into NO) then I believe this should carry on for all NO members. Even if you say you arent in the clan but you guide them as litto said, You should have to choose NO or (Name here). I say that just to be fair.

You know, this is more like me sitting on the NO 'chair' and taking my shoe off, placing it on the NEWB 'chair', in all technicality.