Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Improvement ideas for Replays

Replays are one of the main things people play Toribash for.
This is why we need to think of different ways it can improve
I would like to make a few suggestions here to get things started,
Hoping everyone else has some ideas to add to this.

-Having more accurate speed options. ( x1.5 )
-Choosing what speed people see the replay on.


-Having a time bar at the lower screen ( like a video player ) And being able to skip forward and backward.
-Being able to share replays in-game. ( Credits to: Folv )
-Being able to make folders in-game. ( Credits to: Budsi )
-Being able to make folders, Inside of folders. ( Credits to: Budsi )
-Being able to sort replays by Date/Alphabetic/Player/Mod _ And having a search bar to easily find replays. ( Credits to: hezkezljr )
-Having some better camera angles for the number hotkeys.
----A.Topside view: Completely above.
----B.Side view: Sticks to the side of both players, so one wont hide the other.( I do this manually anyways ) Will also come in very handy for video makers.

-Updating the sound effects of the game.
-Having the option to show a specific pose/photo of the winner after winning a game.


-Being able to see through objects blocking the players.
-Being able to add different effects at some moments of the replay. ( Could be a purchasable item )
-Being able to cut some frames at the end of a replay in-game. ( Credits to: xbcz )
-Renaming a replay should change the actual name of the replay, and not the file alone. ( Credits to: xbcz )

These are some things which will help greatly improve the game, and should be looked into.

Everything that came to my mind started with budsi's thread with the posts made by Folv and hezkezljr.

Last edited by Mafi; Jan 12, 2017 at 02:28 PM.
You can't fight change. You can't fight nature.
Originally Posted by xbcz View Post
-Being able to start from specific frame and jump to specific frame. From command line and with editing replay file.
-Making rename replay feature affecting replay name and only name of .rpl file

The only valid reason I can think of for starting from a specific frame, is for the tricktionary; When someone does a combo to get enough momentum to perform a difficult trick, you could cut out a decent amount of the combo to highlight the trick further.

Originally Posted by Mafia View Post

I edited a screenshot to show everyone an example of this idea.

First you go into any mod in single player and take a picture of it.
(I know if we upload it to forums people can use photos out of Toribash.
But if that is considered a problem, the capturing and uploading should be done in-game to prevent it.)

Then use the screenshot on the [Win-Photo]
And after you win the game>

This is pretty much how I imagined it, and it looks as bad as I thought it would. You get a sick aikido throw, and after your win, a horrible cringe photo shows up and ruins everything.

Originally Posted by Kore View Post
The only valid reason I can think of for starting from a specific frame, is for the tricktionary; When someone does a combo to get enough momentum to perform a difficult trick, you could cut out a decent amount of the combo to highlight the trick further.

This is pretty much how I imagined it, and it looks as bad as I thought it would. You get a sick aikido throw, and after your win, a horrible cringe photo shows up and ruins everything.

Of course it looks bad, I'm not great at these things.
But if you don't want your cringe pose to show up then don't use it.
It's an idea i had on mind, might be good might be bad. Other people can have their opinion.
You can't fight change. You can't fight nature.
Sorry but I still don't think its a good idea. A lot of people watching the replay in the room or the person who lost might want to rewatch it but would see a giant picture on the screen blocking it that doesn't add anything other than getting in the way.

Originally Posted by Kore View Post
The only valid reason I can think of for starting from a specific frame, is for the tricktionary; When someone does a combo to get enough momentum to perform a difficult trick, you could cut out a decent amount of the combo to highlight the trick further.

I think it could actually be very useful. If you are watching a replay and want to only watch one specific part multiple times that is kinda far in and you don't want to watch all the stuff in the beginning it could help a lot.
Originally Posted by Budsi View Post
Sorry but I still don't think its a good idea. A lot of people watching the replay in the room or the person who lost might want to rewatch it but would see a giant picture on the screen blocking it that doesn't add anything other than getting in the way.

You have a point. i will take that idea off first post.

Originally Posted by Budsi View Post
I think it could actually be very useful. If you are watching a replay and want to only watch one specific part multiple times that is kinda far in and you don't want to watch all the stuff in the beginning it could help a lot.

What you are talking about is
-Having a time bar at the lower screen ( like a video player ) And being able to skip forward and backward.

What xbcz meant was to be able to cut off frames at the start of a replay and delete it.

I changed it to,
-Being able to cut some frames at the end of a replay in-game. ( Credits to: xbcz )
You can't fight change. You can't fight nature.
fix the fucking engine maybe? I'm getting tired of being perfectly symmetrical when I'm making a replay and it not being symmetrical even though I made sure I mirrored everything :L
Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.
The Engine problem has been brought up many, many, many times, and yes a new engine would be nice, to fix more than just symmetry. Once again, hampa doesn't have the money/time/motivation to do this.

Originally Posted by Moop View Post

hampa is a nice guy, but my lord how I wish he'd sell this game to a development team that actually gave a shit

I never had a problem with the engine.
I cant really stay perfectly symmtrycal in real life, i dont know why i would like to have perfectly symmetrical replays.
You can't fight change. You can't fight nature.
Its a smaller problem of a much bigger problem

lets say your doing a bunch of backlayouts but the engine is fucked as it is rn and when you go for a setup to another trick your already slightly offbalanced that will just make it harder to do things right
Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.
there are very few occasions in replaymaking where being perfectly symmetrical really benefit you, anyway. if you're chaining back layouts you should probably work on learning other tricks

It's something to work around. Changing everything to be perfectly symmetrical would cause similar little annoyances, since everyone is used to working with the slight weight difference.

Also, like Kore said, there is never going to be an engine change, ever, so yeah.
lets say I'm chaining some back layouts to go for a bigger trick, maybe I want to go for a double back or some shit, if I'm off balance its just gonna end weird, I could counter balance n shit but there really shouldn't be a reason to if the engine was fixed

it could also come in handy during multiplayer matches as well, not just for replaymaking, some openers in certain mods wont work anymore and new ones,possibly better, will be able to be made. It could be a way to revive the game?

I don't know how it would work, but if hampa would have to remake the engine to fix this I doubt he gives enough shits to bother
Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.