i live in aragua, venezuela

Do you like it where you currently live and why?

no it's a living hell
everything is super expensive, there's a fuck ton of inflation each week and our currency ain't worth shit
everytime the minimum wage gets augmented prices REALLY go up. people rather spend their money on food
there's also a lot of insecurity, if you have a good phone you better not use it outside or you might easily get robbed
our government is full of retards and narcotraffickers, the democrats (a.k.a the democratic unity roundtable) is a fucking sellout, at a point where they don't even want intervention from the US or the military turning against the government. that's why we're all waiting for the US to do something, otherwise, we might be fucked for real

What type of food is very popular in the country

ok we have a food called arepa which we tend to eat on lunch and dinner but people struggle trying to FIND flour for it

Is there anything weird about the place?

idk its a shithole

Is there any odd laws

fuck the law man

Anything really!

our internet services are fucking garbage
education is shit
get me out of here
Last edited by basic; Aug 19, 2017 at 06:56 PM.
i am from DANISHLANDDDDDDDDDD aka Denmark

Do you like it where you currently live and why?
Yes, climate's mild, crime rate's low and we get a shit ton of wellfare for our high taxation, including free university.

What type of food is very popular in the country
CAKE. Apparently danes like cake, or maybe that's just me. :v

Is there anything weird about the place?
Not much, really. Maybe the extreme mildness is weird to some people? Politicians being turds isn't exclusive to Denmark, so that doesn't count.

Is there any odd laws
if swedes walk across Øresund when it's frozen over, we're allowed to hit them with sticks

Anything really!
we invented Lego
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Originally Posted by Shook View Post
i am from DANISHLANDDDDDDDDDD aka Denmark

Do you like it where you currently live and why?
Yes, climate's mild, crime rate's low and we get a shit ton of wellfare for our high taxation, including free university.

What type of food is very popular in the country
CAKE. Apparently danes like cake, or maybe that's just me. :v

Is there anything weird about the place?
Not much, really. Maybe the extreme mildness is weird to some people? Politicians being turds isn't exclusive to Denmark, so that doesn't count.

Is there any odd laws
if swedes walk across &Oslash;resund when it's frozen over, we're allowed to hit them with sticks

Anything really!
we invented Lego

If you see Swedes walk across &Oslash;resund you could hit them with sticks? I never knew that lol xD
Colorado :l

Do you like it where you currently live and why?
I guess, never really been out of the country, only a once. I kinda like it cause it's not always too hot or too cold, but it can also be too hot and too cold.
What type of food is very popular in the country
Is weed a food? If so weed.
But I guess some are Rocky mountain oysters (Bull Testicles)
Colorado craft bear? (damn you Boulder hipsters and your somewhat delicious beers.)
Is there anything weird about the place?
Weed isn't seen as much as some think, Weather can be fun, it can be cold in the morning, sunny afterwards and then a thunderstorm can sneak up, and all that can happen several times in a day.
Is there any odd laws
I totally didn't google this
"In Alamosa, throwing missiles at cars is illegal. In Sterling, cats may not run loose without having been fit with a taillight. In Colorado, one may not mutilate a rock in a state park. In Boulder, boulders may not be rolled on city property."
Anything really!
Uhhh, it can be fun if you know where to go, don't ask me cause I don't really know much about the state for some reason.
I don't exist
originally from new york

Do you like it where you USED TO live and why?
loved the city and manhattan was my favourite spot
What type of food is very popular in the country
indian food and hispanic food akak cuchifritos best place in the bronx i tell you
Is there anything weird about the place?
lots of murders

now in virginia

Do you like it where you currently live and why?
its ok because there are a bunch of attraction like the beach naval bases,amusement parks and a bunch of war memorials
What type of food is very popular in the country
i think mainly veggies and chicken
Is there anything weird about the place?lots of crazy people such as confederates and lots of racist it creeps me out hate those people
fuck 12, free all my shootaz
Dude I live in new York right now and I live close to the bronx(kinda xd). Town I live in is called Hempstead :/