Reason to join the clan?
Looking for an active friendly unlike my last one
Your name?,Or nickname?

How much you play?
What can you do for this clan?
Activeness motivation and dedication
How much you go on the forums?
5/10 I dont usually post but i scan the texture set page wuite often
Do you have steam?
What mods you are good at?
Akido judo ABD greykido
Are you willing to wait to join this clan?
A week yes but not for ages
Also what gender?
Age: 16

Reason to join the clan: I like the friendly, skilled players in your clan, I also plan to improve my own skills and make some friends

Your name?,Or nickname: Iskenos, Isk for short

How much you play: I get on most days

What can you do for this clan?: Good at grappling mods, fast learner, and very friendly person

How much you go on the forums: I check about once a day

Do you have steam: My steam name is Iskenos

What mods you are good at: Most grappling mods like any aikido variation, judo (even though I hate the mod, ironically, I actually am a judo fighter in real life)

Are you willing to wait to join this clan: I guess I can wait while i carry on with every day life

Also what gender: Male
Last edited by Iskenos; Mar 28, 2016 at 03:23 AM. Reason: Pressed 4 instead of 6 :/
I'm 16.

Reason I'm joining, I really need a reliable active clan that I can feel at home with and all though the little time I have spent with luck, the members they seem like amazing people with great personalties.

My name is Pedro but I'm better know as Xydra.

I've recently taken a break from toribash but I'm starting to play again. when I'm not playing toribash I'm always online on steam Skype and any other means of communication. I also live in Australia which means I have a messed up time zone.

What will I do for this clan well I've played over 3000 hours of toribash according to steam and the number is still growing to this day I also am online if I'm not I'm out or sleeping. I also love single player parkour, tricking and madmans if you ask me about sparring I don't quite like the 10 frames I feel like I have no control.

I mostly use forums for clan control (recruitment etc) or buying and selling otherwise I don't really have much place at the forums.

I have steam | username - Juan Punch Man

I'm good at most mods you throw at me.

For sure I'm willing to wait as long as it doesn't waste my time like I wait a month and I get a reply saying I have been rejected.

also Bigdogswag much love <3
Age, your name,or nickname?
Hey dudes! So my name is James, or jimmy, I like to go with "pro" or "bro" or "probro" (you get the point)
Reason to join the clan?
I just wanna join a clan which plays somewhat in my timezone, and isn't way to serious about the game, Many clans take it kinda far.
How much you play?
I play almost all the time, (except when i have school) as toribash is one of my favorite games when I'm bored!
What can you do for this clan?
I can create some pretty sick replays, not the best replays but somewhat decent
How much you go on the forums?
VERY OFTEN, I check every single day
Do you have steam?
I'll get a steam account soon
What mods you are good at?
AikidoBigDojo, mushu, and lenshu (a little bit)
Are you willing to wait to join this clan?
Yeah, but not a ridiculously long time like a week or 2.
Also what gender?
I prefer not to share this :/