Originally Posted by Muur View Post
How does it feel to have the most popular legend thread right now (even over the mighty banana lord hampa)?

i am better than everyone else at everything.

Originally Posted by Note View Post
Do you use cheese assassin decks in Hearthstone :-O

i just started so i don't really have the cards for any good decks, i mainly play a weird warlock because i managed to get jaraxxus :O

Originally Posted by HeadShot42 View Post
I am an assassin... ISHI is Your porn website?

i would not make it so easy to find, because it would be filled with the most depraved stuff out there.

Originally Posted by kill1704 View Post
No matter how old I get, I never get bored of anime.
Ishi, do you watch anime?:O

yes, i made a rough anime list thing, i am probably forgetting some since i have a bad memory problem, but a lot of it is there:

Originally Posted by Boredpayne View Post
f u ho


Originally Posted by Marrez View Post
do i have feet

i don't think so, you should ask hanz0, he is a doctor.


Hello Ishi, can you say something amazing about me and fullfill my year long dream?
Do you really think you're in control
Originally Posted by Colors View Post
Hi ishi


Originally Posted by iCo0n View Post
Hello Ishi, can you say something amazing about me and fullfill my year long dream?

your use of zeros in place of the letter o is inventive and something to be admired.

Originally Posted by hanz0 View Post
what did you have for breakfast

i had honey grahm ceral, my current favorite cereal.

Originally Posted by Eleeleth View Post
hi ishi your cool is so cool how can i cool like your cool?

at some point in the future i will bottle and sell my cool to the masses, stay tuned.

Originally Posted by Soap View Post
how often do you poop

more than you, less than your father.

Originally Posted by Appledong View Post
how would you feel if i spoiled dragon crisis for you

i would delete your account and then send a hitman to your house, he would then boil all of your prized possessions into a giant soup, feed it to you and then you would wake up in a mental institution with total amnesia under someone elses name.

Originally Posted by Kips View Post
are you about that life

hi kips i thought you were dead

not yet, but i am getting there.
