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cot damit
Originally Posted by BlubKill View Post
you'll have a bigger issue clearing the jgl early on, your late game is a bit weaker than before but still incredible strong. you have tons of outplay potential and you can still 1v1 most junglers early to mid game. stacks are a little bit harder to get bcuz they are now buffs, also some missing Q dmg.

Do you really find it harder to clear with kindred after the changes? I thought I would, but I've played some games with her and finished a side of my jungle almost on full health every time, starting either gromp or krugs. Maybe her clears are much slower? I don't know.

Parkour • Spar • Skating
Yi can counter jungle almost everyone in the game, do not underestimate his damage, some people tend to say that Yi is pure shit in early, sorry but no, a Yi player that know what he is doing can shit on a Riven.
(Exemple, If I play Yi Top vs Yasuo/Riven or Jax, I'll start with my E, Having true damage for a level one trade, denying shields and Armors.)

If you ever want how to properly read the game and buttfuck the enemy jungler with counter jungle to the point he will be afraid to step out of his base, play Shaco. A lot.

Shaco got a good kit to counter jungle and gank, making the enemy jungler life a nightmare when you start to get good at him.
French Player, Old member of OFRO
Yi shouldn't win against any other carry top laner in the early game unless they make a serious misplay. Yi's primary source of damage in the early game is auto attacks, while every other carry top laner will usually have some sort of spell or cc damage to boost their early damage up. The extra true damage you get as Yi in the early game is only another ~20 damage per auto attack, while somebody like Riven will use Q to spell weave and deal an extra 20 damage per auto, plus the extra damage from he spell casts, plus the cc she'll get from her spells.

Literally, unless they're an idiot and fight in the middle of the minion wave, or don't make good use of their abilities, or let you engage whenever you have your passive ready without trying to punish you for playing aggressive with it, Yi should never win a fight in lane until items start to factor in. Heck, even with items, it still takes a while until Yi hits critical mass against people like Yas or Riven, and should pretty much never win a fight against a Jax unless his E is down.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
Yi shouldn't win against any other carry top laner in the early game unless they make a serious misplay. Yi's primary source of damage in the early game is auto attacks, while every other carry top laner will usually have some sort of spell or cc damage to boost their early damage up. The extra true damage you get as Yi in the early game is only another ~20 damage per auto attack, while somebody like Riven will use Q to spell weave and deal an extra 20 damage per auto, plus the extra damage from he spell casts, plus the cc she'll get from her spells.

Literally, unless they're an idiot and fight in the middle of the minion wave, or don't make good use of their abilities, or let you engage whenever you have your passive ready without trying to punish you for playing aggressive with it, Yi should never win a fight in lane until items start to factor in. Heck, even with items, it still takes a while until Yi hits critical mass against people like Yas or Riven, and should pretty much never win a fight against a Jax unless his E is down.

Yi's early game is only deceptively weak, but it's actually really good. Your Q comes up a lot sooner than you think when you're autoattacking and it deals a fair amount of damage.

Thus the Yi lvl 1/2 cheese.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
I'm not arguing his damage so much as I'm arguing that it requires the enemy laner to be retarded to let you abuse it. He has no range, has to hard commit to put that damage down, and is one of the most item dependent characters in the game. Anybody with range will just abuse you in lane, and any of the other carry top laners will just shit on you because they're less item dependent or have cc to stop your shenanigans and get free damage on you in the process.

Anybody can win an early fight if your opponent is stupid. Yi has little playmaking ability outside of using W or Q to tank/avoid hits, so Yi has to go in purely as a stat fighter, while your opponent, assuming they aren't playing somebody just as linear, should have the ability to make a play. The ball is entirely in the opponent's court.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by JuaniXk View Post
Do you really find it harder to clear with kindred after the changes? I thought I would, but I've played some games with her and finished a side of my jungle almost on full health every time, starting either gromp or krugs. Maybe her clears are much slower? I don't know.

well she has less armor and no heal, you get less dmg due to the attackspeed slow on monsters, but compared to before you still receive more dmg.

nothing too bad, you can even it all out by pathing, taking stacks etc.
as i mentioned, good kindred players may not notice much.
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In 2016, I'm no longer a member of toribash forum. The ex-administration (who's permbanned now) used to power abuse and opposed to me, and we are unable to reach a compromise. I am morally prohibited from staying here. I might still posting around on my friend or clan threads sometimes but not much. Goodbye.