before you guys comment read through some of the posts, thanks. everyone is literally asking the same question every page.

anyways this new toribash game will probably take a year if not more so um ya
Originally Posted by Keshava View Post
Please tell me that we will still be able to keyframe replays, it's very important for us Toribash Editors!

It will probably be better.
Full gyro control in freemode camera maybe? :>
Yeah man, I hope that's a feature we get, it would be great to upgrade the freecam, like maybe being able to tilt the camera sideways on certain keyframes.
Originally Posted by imCaden View Post
The question is... Will there be a beta?

yes there will be a free beta
My way or no way, totalatarian.
Aw man, I just really hope the game doesn't cost, this will attract many people, especially with advertising, but I think making it cost money will draw people away from it.
Well i really hope we get some new players and while i might be a little saddend all my items might be gone, I dont know.

I think there should be some way to convert currency between games like 1.5k=1 next toribash credit.

This is a very good idea but I hope i doesn't flop and I thought you were dead hampa, I've never seen you very active since i began playing but it is very nice to see you working hard <3. Keep it up and please make it GOOD!!

- vipercat <3
meow mai doods