Originally Posted by Zeus View Post
this is every thing that was done right?

Yes this is the things that have been done as of last night.

Weppet: some of the things we really don't need in the ranks (as of rn)

Executive Officer- all he/she would be are lackies of the co-leaders... As you can see you and me Weppet we can get things done on our own without asking others to do things for us. I see no point in having it, I never have since it was created but now that my program is running we can delete it.


My list of "things that still need to be Don and to look forward to" are:
Re-post a recruitment center with the new banner and we even could put our Origin clan video in it (to show them who they are joining and working with) and all of our regular recruitment info.

The video being done

Ranks redone

Get new recruits

Get the new council their tour of the core

Get our reputation back (this will be a long time thing until it's done)

Clean up the threads

Get back to warring (this is optional)

(more may be added to this list at a later date.)
[VIBE] 2015~2016 | Team Pokemon | [Origin] 2014~2015 | Team Aikido | [Obey] ~Because Frost Said So...
Originally Posted by MasterFate View Post
Yes this is the things that have been done as of last night.

Weppet: some of the things we really don't need in the ranks (as of rn)

Executive Officer- all he/she would be are lackies of the co-leaders... As you can see you and me Weppet we can get things done on our own without asking others to do things for us. I see no point in having it, I never have since it was created but now that my program is running we can delete it.


My list of "things that still need to be Don and to look forward to" are:
Re-post a recruitment center with the new banner and we even could put our Origin clan video in it (to show them who they are joining and working with) and all of our regular recruitment info.

The video being done

Ranks redone

Get new recruits

Get the new council their tour of the core

Get our reputation back (this will be a long time thing until it's done)

Clean up the threads

Get back to warring (this is optional)

(more may be added to this list at a later date.)

So so so, in my opinion ranks that we don't need are:

Executive officer -> i agree with you
Executive recruiter & recruiters -> pretty much we all vote on apps and especially lately we haven't followed a real order to test people: leader, co leaders, council members and members too were testing, so i think it's better to keep the testing thing between the higher ranks (from council members to leader). If in the future we recruit a lot of people and we need more ranks we could reintroduce recruiters, but at the moment i feel that they are pretty much useless.
Veterans -> never really understood this rank, it doesn't gain any privilege, we don't really need it.
Trial members -> this rank is useful only if we use it, i noticed that all the unranked players were considered to be trials, but weren't moved up to Trial rank. So if we keep it we have to use it too, or it will remain ever empty.

Lets see the list:

Re-post a recruitment center with the new banner and we even could put our Origin clan video in it (to show them who they are joining and working with) and all of our regular recruitment info. I'm going to write it and Savlon is doing the image.

The video being done i haven't had any news from rcnerf, but it seems that he is working on it

Ranks redone working on it

Get new recruits this comes with our reputation

Get the new council their tour of the core who gives them the password?

Get our reputation back (this will be a long time thing until it's done) most difficoult part of the whole project, but if we work hard it will come by itself

Clean up the threads i've already made the project for this, i'm just waiting mod powers to edit the forum, if Zeus contact a clan mod (hi Zeus )

Get back to warring (this is optional) not the most important part right now, but essential in the future if we don't want to fall down in the clan list, i hope we will recruit new members for this.
Originally Posted by WeppetKo View Post
So so so, in my opinion ranks that we don't need are:

Executive officer -> i agree with you
Executive recruiter & recruiters -> pretty much we all vote on apps and especially lately we haven't followed a real order to test people: leader, co leaders, council members and members too were testing, so i think it's better to keep the testing thing between the higher ranks (from council members to leader). If in the future we recruit a lot of people and we need more ranks we could reintroduce recruiters, but at the moment i feel that they are pretty much useless.
Veterans -> never really understood this rank, it doesn't gain any privilege, we don't really need it.
Trial members -> this rank is useful only if we use it, i noticed that all the unranked players were considered to be trials, but weren't moved up to Trial rank. So if we keep it we have to use it too, or it will remain ever empty.

Agreed, sound reasons for all.
Also do we need the War Commander/Disciple ranks? I guess it would be good to define who gets priority in wars, but it isn't used anyway. I'd totally jump on for wars, if I knew when we did them haha.
If the council (and higher-ups obviously) retain war privileges, that should be enough.

Also if we are going to participate in wars, we should organise it better.
Not just a thread for it. I mean organise all our time-zones, find out when people are on, then plan ahead and war with more than one or two people.
That is how we build a reputation.

^Related to that, we should organise another Skype group and/or teamspeak server, that is just for members.
Last edited by Blue; Jun 9, 2015 at 01:57 PM.
Originally Posted by Blue View Post
Also do we need the War Commander/Disciple ranks? I guess it would be good to define who gets priority in wars, but it isn't used anyway. I'd totally jump on for wars, if I knew when we did them haha.
If the council (and higher-ups obviously) retain war privileges, that should be enough.

Uhm, personally i think that at least the War disciple one has to exist. All the higher ranks are for who wants to organize and decide actively about clan's things, this doesn't mean that they have to be good in wars too. So if we have to delete one of the two war-related ranks, i'm for the war commander one, because we can easily decide a guy that rules over wars between one of the higher ranks.

So, after we elect a new war commander between the first ranks, he can reorganize the war thread to make it more efficient.

Or we simply don't delete the war commander rank and elect someone else, but right now higher ranks are the most active.
I like this feeling... Its almost like we started a new clan but without the trouble and cost to become official.

Skype/teamspeak sounds like a good idea I'll see about teamspeak because I never used it so I'll have to see how to do that.

War commander, I believe, should stay. We need to have a main man for wars to prevent arguments and confusion.
[VIBE] 2015~2016 | Team Pokemon | [Origin] 2014~2015 | Team Aikido | [Obey] ~Because Frost Said So...
Originally Posted by MasterFate View Post
I like this feeling... Its almost like we started a new clan but without the trouble and cost to become official.

Skype/teamspeak sounds like a good idea I'll see about teamspeak because I never used it so I'll have to see how to do that.

War commander, I believe, should stay. We need to have a main man for wars to prevent arguments and confusion.

Fair points, I guess just never really seeing the role in action makes me think that way haha

Yeah team-speak is muuuch better for talking, but doesn't have a chat and costs money (which is like $5/month anyway).
So Skype is probably better, to begin with.
Last edited by Blue; Jun 9, 2015 at 04:12 PM.
ok if you dont know im doing the recruitment picture (could be used for other stuff) so it would be helpful if you guys could send in a screenshot of your tori in a pose. i need one from all of you if you want to be in the picture (apart from zeus as he already has a pose in the existing recruitment picture that i can photo shop on but if you want a new one then just send a screenshot) as for the skype i could make it right now if you guys want? ill sift through the skype thread to find you guys xD
Commencing Project Origin 2.0
Originally Posted by savlon View Post
ok if you dont know im doing the recruitment picture (could be used for other stuff) so it would be helpful if you guys could send in a screenshot of your tori in a pose. i need one from all of you if you want to be in the picture (apart from zeus as he already has a pose in the existing recruitment picture that i can photo shop on but if you want a new one then just send a screenshot) as for the skype i could make it right now if you guys want? ill sift through the skype thread to find you guys xD

Have you already taken my pose from the replay?
Originally Posted by Blue View Post
Fair points, I guess just never really seeing the role in action makes me think that way haha

Yeah team-speak is muuuch better for talking, but doesn't have a chat and costs money (which is like $5/month anyway).
So Skype is probably better, to begin with.

yeah i dont have paypal also im not paying 5$ a month for something I can use for free anywhere else.

Originally Posted by savlon View Post
ok if you dont know im doing the recruitment picture (could be used for other stuff) so it would be helpful if you guys could send in a screenshot of your tori in a pose. i need one from all of you if you want to be in the picture (apart from zeus as he already has a pose in the existing recruitment picture that i can photo shop on but if you want a new one then just send a screenshot) as for the skype i could make it right now if you guys want? ill sift through the skype thread to find you guys xD

Ill make a new pose since my textures are WAYYYYY different from the last time we did this. ill do it as soon as i get home from school.
[VIBE] 2015~2016 | Team Pokemon | [Origin] 2014~2015 | Team Aikido | [Obey] ~Because Frost Said So...
Originally Posted by WeppetKo View Post
Have you already taken my pose from the replay?

well kinda. its in the photo but your pose is just so awkward so its hard. can i change the angle to make it work better?
Commencing Project Origin 2.0