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Times are hard
Venezuela is at a breaking point. We are about to start boiling, and millions of people will succumb to the suffering imposed unto us by a dictatorial government that has no desire to step aside and leave their power positions.

I have personally endured raids, protests, attacks, I have spent days through total blackouts, just today I spent 12 hours with no power and I am typing this with the fear that at any minute it will go again, just like it's happened before. I have friends in Caracas that have gone over 2 days with no power, and the excitement that only a glimmer of electricity for an hour and a half caused him was the pinnacle of a miserable, broken down people that will accept any crumbs that may fall, because they've gotten used to it.

The people of Venezuela are each day becoming more like Stalin's chicken; after being plucked alive and being left in a puddle of its own blood, as long as you offer it some corn, it will run toward you again, to quote the man that brought the fable upon himself, "People are like this chicken. It doesn't matter how much pain you inflict on them. The moment you offer them what they need, they will still follow you and turn to you for their survival" and it is a sad day when I realize more and more how true it is.

What is happening in Venezuela is a systematic Holodomor like it was in Russia, if people can't even step forward from the very first steps of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, how can they care about socioeconomic issues and government turmoil? people care about surviving, the starving cro-magnon simply has no time to care about social influence or power.

I am writing this because I don't know how many days this suffering will continue. The light just went out and I have to end this quickly. I will upload this through my phone data.

I wanted this to be out there. Today the vehicle I was in was ambushed by over 10 men with their faces covered, machetes and stones in hands, I could get away, I didn't even get robbed, I was left unscathed thank some unholy force that has brought me the misery to have to live through this crisis. I won't die, nobody has to worry about that, but hundreds have died just these few days because of the electrical issues.

Just how many more have to die before we get intervened? the government has turned their backs on the people for years now.

Please don't support idiotic movements like hands off venezuela, please don't listen to that fucking muslim congresswoman or ocasio-cortez, they have no idea what the fuck is happening here. Not Roger Waters, not those fucking anti-trump soyboys that think Venezuela is a paradise. They have never set foot in here, they learned where this was a month ago, and learned what was happening through a Vox video.

This is not about politics anymore, how many deaths will it take before people realize that this is no Sim City where they can test a political doctrine or social belief without meaningful casualties or repercussions, Venezuela is not socialist, but that still gives no room to try to make this a case of whether capitalism is bad, or socialism is bad, this is simply a murderous government turning its few weak, old, feeble-minded soldiers into cannon fodder, and their people into victims of multiple war crimes that have been well documented, we are under a torturous tyranny. There are hundreds of videos about everything they've done, and now what they're doing is cutting our electricity so we cannot even charge our phones to record what may be happening, we have no internet connection, and we are uninformed. We had to plug in the fucking analog old as fuck phone just to talk to people because as there is no power, the lines are dead, data is scarce at best, and I'm talking about the whole nation, my state is one of the best ones at the moment.

Times are very dire here in Venezuela, maybe I'll spend another 12 hours in pitch darkness at best, I had an hour of electricity and I could turn on my laptop and type half of this with the lights on. Now I'll have to say goodbye for at least a couple more days.

I am eating, unlike many, many people. I am well, unlike many others, the only thing I have right now is a stomach infection because the water is untreated, even boiled it still carries on infected bacteria, I haven't had running water for almost a week, I'll keep this thread updated whenever I can, as to not go insane and chronicle this, for myself, and for whomever wants to read.

I'll keep spamming this board as long as I'm able to, but if I don't reply anymore, consider the worst, please, at least ironically:

I had to end with a joke, just for myself, so I wouldn't fucking cry

To whomever may be reading this: sadly, all of this is true, and happening to me, not to anybody else. Worst thing is I have it so good you guys wouldn't imagine.
Last edited by Alejandro; Mar 10, 2019 at 07:49 AM.