Endurance Onslaught 6.0
So okay it's 3 person fight...
So it's
Uberis vs tajuddin47 vs IOWNUPUSSY...
No registration on this title anymore...
Post here 3 replays of you skating...
No one except 3 of us and king can post here now...
I will get 3 judges...
Ye thanks taj good luck to you too...
Anyways we have 1 judge it will be Meamme0..
I'm searching now for 2nd and 3rd judges...
Replays coming soon...
May I suggest a few very qualified judges?

Tamer0: He has been a judge several times, has the experience, has seen is share of replays.
Deejayy741: not as active anymore, but if you manage to get him: he's great with rating replays, what he likes most in a replay is flow.
Marco: Really active, good judge and I frequently talk to him, making judging in a group much easier.
Rutzor: Pro on skating, if you manage to get him, you will be judged very accurate.

These are some good judges, I think it's wise to try and ask one or two them if you haven't already managed to get some judges. If you want to ask Marco, I can ask too, he's in Sigma too, so I can ask him on IRC whenever you want.

Thanks for the Avatar, MrAakash
Marco Tamer0 and Rutz sounds good to me.
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

Originally Posted by Meamme0 View Post
May I suggest a few very qualified judges?

Tamer0: He has been a judge several times, has the experience, has seen is share of replays.
Deejayy741: not as active anymore, but if you manage to get him: he's great with rating replays, what he likes most in a replay is flow.
Marco: Really active, good judge and I frequently talk to him, making judging in a group much easier.
Rutzor: Pro on skating, if you manage to get him, you will be judged very accurate.

These are some good judges, I think it's wise to try and ask one or two them if you haven't already managed to get some judges. If you want to ask Marco, I can ask too, he's in Sigma too, so I can ask him on IRC whenever you want.


Sure I will ask Marco myself and if it isn't so hard for you ask Tamer0...
Anyways thanks for the support :]
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I already said no useless posting here...
Unless if you want to apply for a title... :|
Okay thanks for the support...
So I'm waiting for replays taj and PUSSY...
I need to know how good are you in skating :P
ay my bad i was in toledo for 3 days so i couldnt use my comp lol buh im back now and i'll get started on those replays iight =]
wanna spar? pm me =]
Just PM me with details etc. and I'll see what I can do.
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time