Endurance Onslaught 6.0
look at the rules zhu.

barcodekila: I am neutral. Good app, not so sure about activity, and if Embry was correct or not.
I tested him
4th one corrupted, but I won.
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Last edited by Juandissimo; Jun 24, 2015 at 05:29 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
is kyure alive?
Originally Posted by barcodekila View Post


Not an easy decision at all.

I watched the replays and you are more skilled than a normal black belt, you know how to move your tori, if you continue to play you can become something big in my opinion. The application is very good, you read the first post, there are many infos and you seem a nice guy. Activity is actually a problem, you said that you can't be on since next Sunday, right? If you are accepted we will invite you on Monday, so you can start your trial period when you are back. If at the end we still are unsure about the activity, we might add a week to your trial period, so try to be active

I vote yes.

Originally Posted by zhuyuan View Post
I quite like the app but as the others have said, the activity might be a problem but I'm sure it'll be fine. You have put some effort into it even though you have forgotten some capitalisations but that's also fine I guess.

I vote yes. Don't know if I'm actually allowed to vote since I am a trial member at the moment but still.

We have rules for everything, the thread is sticked in our board.

Originally Posted by WeppetKo View Post
Trial Members: Unless you have information on why the person should not be even considered, try to refrain from voting. Focus on getting through your trial before deciding things in clan affairs.

I already did, and that's 4 yes' now. .-.
Did anyone see those replays or read what I said?
Last edited by Juandissimo; Jun 24, 2015 at 04:43 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
is kyure alive?
Originally Posted by Embry0nic View Post
I already did, and that's 4 yes' now. .-.
Did anyone see those replays or read what I said?

I did

barcodekila, you will receive your invite on Monday.
Hello members of [Origin]!

About me:
My name is David and I'm 14 years old, my birth date is on 9 may 2001. I am from Romania. My usual routine trough the school year goes like this: Wake up, go to school, come back home and learn then go to bed, and that's how my life goes in the school year, but now that it's summer all I will be doing is to play video games and listen to music, but also doing my favourite hobbies: Riding my bicycle, going out with my dog, parkouring and video gaming. Also at school I'm doing pretty good, I'm having good grades and next school year I will be an 8-th grader, meaning that I will have to give an exam that will determinate in which high-school I will be in (The bigger the grade in the exam, the better the high-school) that means I will have to study hard. I am a gamer since 5 years old...not much to say about that

In-game skills:

I'm not such a good player, I played toribash in 2009 to 2011 I think, can't remember that well, I have 2 alts, those are: DavidRegum and Sicanio33, they are not ''big achievements'' since one is Brown belt and the other one Black belt (would have applied with the black belt one but I forgot the password to both of them since I didnt play on them for a really long time) but I think that belt doesn't really matter. I really like Mushu (I think I can handle myself in that mode pretty well), Judo (I like it and I can handle myself in that mode), Aikido (I'm not the best at it) and Aikido Big Dojo, personally I'm not good at Aikido, nor ABD but I'm willing to spend the time to learn these mods (watching guides and learning new tactics with my friends/brother or learning from some high skilled players in the public rooms).

Other games:
As other games I really like survival based games/FPS games or real time strategy games. My favourite game series is the Halo trilogy (Halo combat evolved -> Halo 2 -> Halo 3 -> Halo Reach -> Halo 4 -> Halo 5 that is going to be released soon I think. There may be the strategy PC Halo games but I have listed only the ones that can be playable on console.), but now the games I'm playing are: Rebuild 3, Toribash, League of Legends (I've been playing that game since 2009) and Metro Last Light Redux.

Why Origin?
Well, I was a member of OC (Obese Criminals) before, but I quit because the players weren't active and we didn't even have a ''Talk Thread'' and I saw a lot of people from Origin being very active and being very good at the game so I wanted to apply here. (So here I am ) I think that if I am going to be accepted I am going to learn a lot about the game and about you .

The end:
Thank you very much guys for spending your time with this application. I wanted it to be longer but I didn't really have ideas. Have a nice day!!!