Original Post

Have you been winning a lot of ETourneys?
Have you wondered how much has been hosted?
Is it your dream to brag to your friends that you've won more ETournies than they have?

Then this is the thread for you!
Here you can see all the ETourney and EVictory winners!

Name:                    | wins
Wounder                  | 15
Prince                   | 12
Fred                     | 10
SemiHampa                | 10
TinyCow                  | 10
Hardubs                  | 6
Shade                    | 6
Freshkek                 | 6
Lamby                    | 6
darkscraft               | 5
Xeneizear                | 5
Diamond                  | 5
Karteiro                 | 5
Dare                     | 5
ezalor                   | 4
Tobik91                  | 4
BIGTITMCGEE              | 4
Dylan                    | 4
Ceytune                  | 4
dexter                   | 4
Junai                    | 4
RRDube420                | 4
iNoca                    | 4
kickass57                | 4
Karstnator               | 4
Calco999                 | 4
BOOMBIG                  | 3
Fatypanda                | 3
Kunt                     | 3
AssassinDark             | 3
Artyrlol                 | 3
Logp                     | 3
Berzerk                  | 3
Sentral                  | 3
Kane                     | 3
Revx                     | 3
Komutsuki                | 3
Nulu                     | 3
HOPE                     | 3
Flame                    | 3
Cowmeat                  | 3
Yocuz                    | 3
krisis13                 | 3
FleshMon                 | 3
Greh                     | 3
Extrazor                 | 3
Tjulienm                 | 3
Code                     | 3
iTemp                    | 3
xXjokedXx                | 2
Baptiste23               | 2
lilfishy1                | 2
Nope                     | 2
RedBooza                 | 2
King                     | 2
Blackbooster             | 2
Crollex                  | 2
MCS4NEk                  | 2
Aldun                    | 2
Moveset                  | 2
ezzeldin9                | 2
12tb21                   | 2
Rank1Boy                 | 2
Boggeten		 | 2
Grohenbird               | 2
Oshun                    | 2
Static                   | 2
TheGumball               | 2
Miner                    | 2
4ares                    | 2
W0nder                   | 2
Hypez                    | 2
DomDoDm16                | 2
Jen7                     | 2
dead4your                | 2
Regrater                 | 2
blobus1234               | 2
Deoxer                   | 2
Shmevin                  | 2
NANI                     | 2
miguelrx2                | 2
TheWrit3r                | 2
Karbn                    | 2
updenso                  | 2
Veoo                     | 2
HiPower                  | 2
KazuyaFR                 | 2
charib                   | 2
Charism                  | 2
Swepples                 | 2
lolnest                  | 2
aero                     | 2
AussieCunt               | 2
HeyDJ                    | 2
Balik                    | 2
Bleedhound               | 2
codetuds                 | 2
Steelers12               | 2
troller7                 | 2
Chintu                   | 2
Samkayne                 | 2
Creati0n                 | 2
Nugget ;)                | 2
Haku                     | 1
hoihouhoi                | 1
SemiBravo                | 1
Kianos                   | 1
jugami                   | 1
SemiCold                 | 1
Flames                   | 1
Kayido                   | 1
MisterSwat               | 1
Swat                     | 1
MyPupSky                 | 1
Blur                     | 1
Ash4136                  | 1
Zwar                     | 1
Gold                     | 1
CrimsonVava              | 1
Chatogo                  | 1
BlackDragon              | 1
NuclearWinter            | 1
Slicc                    | 1
EazyStreet               | 1
Lopice                   | 1
Joel                     | 1
dista                    | 1
ciggraph12               | 1
Titoine2                 | 1
realVortex               | 1
chatogato                | 1
piratpet4i               | 1
emoney78                 | 1
Vectorman                | 1
Manitoda                 | 1
Sulare                   | 1
Bodhisattva              | 1
nanaomi                  | 1
Odke                     | 1
NERFPLS                  | 1
WiggityWoo               | 1
Hexhill                  | 1
Kamekaz                  | 1
Rissei                   | 1
Jere                     | 1
SemiHampa1               | 1
Fiz18                    | 1
Hue                      | 1
Sharkasm                 | 1
Killerkelt               | 1
T0astman                 | 1
Allno                    | 1
bman2095                 | 1
Luiq                     | 1
deadlypanda              | 1
ChocoSopa                | 1
Fade                     | 1
Quest                    | 1
Kiss                     | 1
Tabby                    | 1
Vetz1                    | 1
Typhon                   | 1
Galaxy                   | 1
CJAY47                   | 1
S2kser                   | 1
icantseeyou              | 1
SemiCold                 | 1
ove                      | 1
Tops620                  | 1
Wizzoradre               | 1
Whizkid14                | 1
Goldenrodd               | 1
Murcinary                | 1
Cobra                    | 1
Aurelien91               | 1
Death20                  | 1
Dark871                  | 1
NATSU11                  | 1
Telepathy                | 1
Lightweight              | 1
Coobana                  | 1
Gary                     | 1
Omegalight1              | 1
Swosh                    | 1
sendmeurcrackers         | 1
Bank2017                 | 1
WeooWeoo                 | 1
Adolus                   | 1
Soccerblue               | 1
Wattr                    | 1
Necr0W0lF                | 1
Alastor                  | 1
getsmakt                 | 1
Beats00                  | 1
SixTrix                  | 1
Aerostatic               | 1
RageOff                  | 1
dankator                 | 1
Flow                     | 1
Col2un                   | 1
Static                   | 1
mwah                     | 1
ghost                    | 1
Rionex                   | 1
Minimoe                  | 1
hobo                     | 1
hardcod                  | 1
Skitzofrenic             | 1
Seth                     | 1
Hide                     | 1
MaLtICo713               | 1
Winter                   | 1
Oriq                     | 1
meatdad                  | 1
Tudson                   | 1
1blaze1                  | 1
ShhhMikes                | 1
Scourge                  | 1
Yoda                     | 1
woeb                     | 1
nerv                     | 1
ParaZit                  | 1
Quidman                  | 1
P0int                    | 1
GetBlazed                | 1
Idle                     | 1
Zero                     | 1
IndoJosh                 | 1
Dylan                    | 1
wurstere22               | 1
psychoryan               | 1
KidJay                   | 1
AhYesTC                  | 1
TIcux                    | 1
Cold                     | 1
danilo901                | 1
Blimped                  | 1
Stone                    | 1
AxelsXD                  | 1
Artamiel                 | 1
Nightflow                | 1
Mr8008135                | 1
Smagauris                | 1
zerk2                    | 1
121rdo                   | 1
damlgblzer               | 1
Redblast0                | 1
fijishui                 | 1
daggerdicc               | 1
EliMcFly                 | 1
Kirito                   | 1
iam3pic                  | 1
inmortal8                | 1
jimjon17                 | 1
endtag                   | 1
japa1324                 | 1
Fistoflife               | 1
dick                     | 1
BoxSpring                | 1
imCaden                  | 1
Ubashgirl                | 1
Coolbill12               | 1
Shadowsinn               | 1
Killerxd2                | 1
s7ing                    | 1
Timeworker               | 1
deprived                 | 1
KillerBotX               | 1
RubyDog                  | 1
LAUGHINGLO               | 1
Tristan                  | 1
CapMNO                   | 1
Gridlocker               | 1
Parrot                   | 1
elvis                    | 1
iSmokeMDMA               | 1
sonicsoni                | 1
Faker                    | 1
Kahn                     | 1
Jencam13                 | 1
DTR2                     | 1
Denator                  | 1
godlemon                 | 1
dinoking51               | 1
SukiLostTc               | 1
NotGrid                  | 1
DeliMeatC3               | 1
RockTheDay               | 1
DragonTG                 | 1
Col12un                  | 1
Goku                     | 1
NotFazjog                | 1
Reno                     | 1
Jabarama                 | 1
Carls                    | 1
Weebly                   | 1
Erth                     | 1
Life                     | 1
loljvms123               | 1
ichigoS27                | 1
Leomitosis               | 1
poop                     | 1
mitobugato               | 1
Grrreatest               | 1
Surge                    | 1
haxton7                  | 1
MyLeftNut8               | 1
Prime                    | 1
Celious                  | 1
fazjog                   | 1
Silveti                  | 1
Sooplex                  | 1
GabeElite                | 1
ImPhantom9               | 1
Warabi                   | 1
Rosed                    | 1
cat4hbk                  | 1
Shaderoses               | 1
Vishnu                   | 1
Bank816			 | 1
ImsoRusty                | 1
Tremor                   | 1
Energetic9		 | 1
Laserkidz                | 1
Obito10			 | 1
jungieu			 | 1

Name:                    | wins
Adventure                | 2
ecchi                    | 2
Parrot                   | 1
Clout Gods               | 1
Vector                   | 1
[UssR]                   | 1
Nitro                    | 1
SAD BOYS                 | 1
Power Punch              | 1
Trance                   | 1
Sinners                  | 1
Mitos Brasileiros        | 1

Name:                    | wins
BIGTITMCGEE              | 1
Lamby                    | 1
NANI                     | 1
Tremor                   | 1
Karbn                    | 1
Tabby                    | 1
dead4your                | 1
Crollex                  | 1
Celious                  | 1
Ceytune                  | 1
dexter                   | 1
troller7                 | 1
Laserkidz                | 1
Weed                     | 1
Wounder                  | 1
Silveti                  | 1
Prince                   | 1
loljvms123               | 1
WiggityWoo               | 1
japa1324                 | 1











Last edited by ymir; Nov 14, 2017 at 04:06 PM.
Owner of Fred
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Updated the thread until now. We're trying to keep this as updated as possible.
Yes, recording of clans will be starting on October 1st since they were already drinking the piss.
If you notice anything that should be fixed, tell us here.

And Wounder seems to be absolutely killing it with 14 overall wins.
who has the amount of 2nd places?
My aunt has 2 great big personalities (boobies), and i love playing with them all night long
2nd place is first loser.
This is a Thread for winners.

Find the hidden shovel and uncover the secrets of my religion.

10:17 PM <~Creati0n> GAS THE DUELERS
6:35 PM <&Fear> good job reta you are now the King Admin
6:35 PM <Typhon> Gj Reta god

I definitely won tourneys on my alt and my main that are not listed here? Like b4 October
Wanna see some ruffled feathers in Taekkyon

<Icky> Damn my mouth is on fire but my loins stir like the straits