Endurance Onslaught 6.0

The first hit was nice and powerful. Usually people slow down after a hit like that but you kept good momentum. The boom was, well, a boom, and a good one at that. The tricking kept good flow and ended the replay nicely. Of course, ghosting is one of my pet peeves and 305 was no exception. Also too bad it glitched in the end.

But it was great overall.
Tanks. I had plans to transition it into a drop kick, but I ran out of time as I left to Poland, that's generally why there's a ghost, didn't have time to fix that.
If you guys love me, pls look at le glorious tribute to shook.
pls no.
if i dont get cnc I cant get better and make more seks.

so bad
Last edited by Dscigs; Jul 28, 2013 at 03:49 PM.
So the replay was pcool overall, but some of the movement was kinda iffy in some places.
an example, around 540 or so. you extended your arm/wrist before you should have,
making it look pretty dang heavy and slow, and you lost a lot of momentum that could have
been put to good use, which shows in the next little handspin thing. another example is the headspin,
towards the end you stopped spinning, making it look kinda bad, and the transition
to the whatever looked kinda twitchy. The transition to the pose looked horrid,
and I'm not sure why you'd leave it in there, it kinda looks like you stopped trying, compared
to the rest. it may seem like I'm focusing on the bad more than the good, but I'm just
trying to give some advice. try to really focus and micro manage those movements, it
brings down the replay as a whole a little bit. atleast for me. The rest was pretty great though.
wow that
Interesting. I don't know much about this breakdancing business, so I'll just point out the stuff that bothered me a bit.

-Your limbs looked strange when you were doing flares, such as the first one around 910-870 and 460's

-Headspin looked stiff as a board.

-That jump thing around 270-260 didn't look so well.

Other than that, it seemed fine. And based on my small knowledge on breakdancing, I do think that gaining speed is ideal throughout the tricks. And I do think that making a short and sweet tricking replay is better than a long and okay-ish one.
knee extendings were weird most of the time, the lumbar was a bit too bended sometimes, and the arms were twitchy overall.

i did like the opener though, really liked how you lifted off the ground, and the headspin.
oh yeah
Thanks, that replay was made fairly quickly and mostly just for fun.
I'll keep all advice stuffs in mind while I remake it.

Anyways, I made a tricking.
I also got bored and made some kind of screenshot with it.


Attached Files
Dscigs - Return.rpl (179.0 KB, 63 views)
Your opening was nasty, you should have scrapped that and gone for something a bit more along the lines of what you were doing at frame 454 as it didn't really flow that well into what you were doing, or you could have tried to slowly generate momentum from the position you were in.

Your best bet with the start would have been extending your right hip and generate momentum.

As for the jumps, they looked a bit floppy, but the positioning you were in before the first jump wasn't a bad position in order to generate momentum, but the position for the second jump wasn't too good, your glutes made it look a bit nasty, I'd recommend holding your left knee at around frame 222 and going for the next jump from there.

The strange flip thing didn't look too good, I'd just scrap that if I were you.

Your best bet when it comes to improving is just refining everything and make your replays look more structured, but I understand that this is for fun though.
Last edited by Skoling; Aug 9, 2013 at 12:30 AM.