I have been thinking about this decision for a long time. It's just... You guys have changed. I basically grew up with this clan, and it pains me so, so much, but I am quitting toribash.

It's for the best, really. Life has been busy lately. I have to keep up with it. I hope you guys stay strong, and I love you all to death, but I simply don't feel like I belong here anymore.

It's been fun,
wheres my BANNERS
fear if you dont add my banner in gonna go Mad Sans
Last edited by basic; Sep 22, 2016 at 10:10 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
belt: gucci
name: P00NSL4Y3R
are you a girl?: I sexually identify as lightninglenshu.tbm
Question 1: what can't you most don't the least? weeaboo
Question 2: How do you value what you do you what you contribute to into at the clan? yes

am i accepted yet?
you're on thin ice, pal
ome TB's #1 wall climbing clan - []
5- Make at least One Parkour in all of the Parkour Mods - [X]
-Make at least 9 replays of doing a cool handstands or a flipe idk - []


belt: yes i BLackbelt
name: myster man is a bad user add he
are you a girl?: OMG like O M G iVE alreaways wanted to find a clans i can bein with other giirls with omg aam i drEAMING SOMEONE PINCH ME SO IHQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ
Question 1: what can't you most don't the least? i dont most least can not had a dream that um i um had i'd you i would want him to do me so much um that um do you so much so um that so much you could do anything
Question 2: How do you value what you do you what you contribute to into at the clan? im gonnga hekc thigns so much allones' gona be like lol u go girl daam!1l!!!


whats it?

Last edited by Fear; 1 Hour Ago at 08:03 PM..

lol sory im a girrl i dont use froum much i dont knoww how t o copy well lol

also iam the almost the not very....................