Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Galrath View Post
... apparently people may join and leave NO as they please. I must say I'm not pleased with that. :/

I think one of the orig members of NO has this option gal, I'm sure not all members would get this treatment. Plus before you were in NO he did a whole bunch of shit for the clan
Originally Posted by Galrath View Post
... apparently people may join and leave NO as they please. I must say I'm not pleased with that. :/

Glad I'm not the only one who thinks this.
<~suomynona> TITS OR ELEELETH
^i 2nd that

no reprecussions? (hope i spelled it right)

dont get me wrong i know what stup did for NO and i like him but imo it just is not oke...not fair to others...i mean some guys waited for a long time to get into NO (galrath $ opeth)...and urbanlegen (who i think showed real patience) still isnt accepted...i dont think we should throw stup out (we wont have anyone to beat up then) but i think we should rly re-think the 'strategy' for some situations...
hope you get what i mean...my english sucks today...and every other day
Last edited by evil; Sep 29, 2008 at 01:31 AM. Reason: Reason
In my probably blatantly disregarded opinion, it's people whom we know well that can get back in if they want/we are okay with it.

Basically, Stup has gone through the "initiation process" and thus we are confident that he fulfills the requirements for joining. The newer applicants need to wait longer because they do not have the same experience with us that people like Stup do.

That said, it's not quite as simple to get back in as some of you guys are making it out to be. Delaid and I consider reasons for leaving/reasons for wanting to rejoin/past experience with the clan/personality traits/bagels before allowing for someone to rejoin the clan. We just do it sneakily. O:

P.S. repercussions*, evil.

P.P.S. I'll speak to Delaid and some of you IRCers regarding urbanlegend later.

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
if you love america please sign this petition
Originally Posted by hanz0 View Post
P.S. repercussions*, evil.

^thx hanz0 and i agree that bagels are of big importance.
Originally Posted by evilperson View Post
bagels are of big importance.

I know, right?

Regardless, welcome back to the clan Stup.

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
if you love america please sign this petition
lol evil too much beer?... i thought you hate those fail emotes...
<evil> srsly people forgot that most part of toribash community is douchebags... lead by shin