Originally Posted by Swepples View Post
1) Brute force vs. sneaky?
2) Straight laced by the book vs. whatever works? Mixed. I'd rather go with the first choice. But I think that there's a certain solution better than others, and that it's preferred due to being effective and/or easy.
3) Extrovert or introvert? Unless we're really close. Then I'd probably be more of a stalker.
4) Skilled/technical/planning vs instincts/experience? A mixture of both.

1) Sneaky all the way.

2) The best way to solve a problem is usually by the book. But if that way isn't available, I'll do whatever works.

3) Introvert all the way. I'm a guy that minds my own business. I enjoy being in groups but I rarely talk and when I'm tired, I'd like to just hang around myself.

4) When I know something very well, I go for experience. When I don't know much about it, careful planning does the job.

Pls Bod, 3rd person questions are hard for me. If this isn't enough you'd better off just query and interrogate me on irc.
Owner of Fred
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Well Swepples that was a tough one. But I think I have a reasonable enough fit.

Swepples.... is...

Swepples is KITE

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Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
1) Brute force vs. sneaky (Always)
2) I tend to use my own judgement when in these situations.
3) Extrovert or introvert
4) Skilled (where it applies)/technical/planning vs instincts/experience

My friends know my personality and all, but the still don't know what's happening in my life. I tend to give out small information about my life to either shut them up or just to keep things interesting. but I am incapable of talking with someone about my life. (idk why).

As someone who has grown in the youth cadets program in Canada, by the book is what I learned, but I also learned that it's not suited for every condition. Through life experience, whatever works might seem like a good idea, but in the long game it's hard to tell.

Skilled in the most useless stuff (example: balloons), a plan is always the best idea as going in blind will not work and if experience enough the plan will slowly fade.

When in group arguments or discussions, i tend to stay quiet for a while an analyse what could be the best response, my suggestions in planning normally get taken. (I was told this by a friend)

I write a lot when I get carried away.
"Durex < Qualatex"-Sassy
DruggedPanda also wants to be famous
Originally Posted by Wizard View Post
1) Brute force vs. sneaky? Sneaky
2) Straight laced by the book vs. whatever works? whatever works
3) Extrovert or introvert? 80% Introvert 20% Extrovert
4) Skilled/technical/planning vs instincts/experience? Instincts/experience.

I'm a very solo person, and prefers to be alone, unless people I know well are where I am.

1) I'm not a very strong person, so I'd rather use my head and think stuff out quietly and with as little attention as possible.
2) I've always thought that the best way to solve a problem is to think outside the box and find a new and more efficient way.
3) I like to keep to myself because I think about things way too much and that makes me anxious to go out of my comfort zone. I only feel comfortable going outside of that comfort zone with people I trust.
4) I'd actually say a mix of the two, but mainly instincts/experience. This is because you can base the planning and technical stuff if you have that solid base of experience.

Another key personality that I have is that I'm very shy to criticism
Last edited by wizard; Feb 25, 2017 at 01:06 AM.


Green and Wizard I'm still working on your guys. Promise I haven't forgotten.

Diamond did something interesting, he put the ball on my court. Asked me to dig deep and think about our friendship over the past few years. Made me think a lot about how we've evolved as people.

With that all in mind...

Diamond is MERUEM

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Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
1. brute force
2.what ever works
3.i dont know what introvert or extrovert means
4.instincts/experience and cocky
anything else you know about me
Greenblits, I'm using these facts:

Sneaky, EXPERIENCED, planning, and knowing a useless ability.

Greenblits is.. BISCUIT

Wizard, I'm using these facts:

1) You're not a brute force guy
2) You need to come up with interesting solutions to your problems
3) You can't take criticism

Wizard is Kurapika

Bodhisattva -

So Diamond challenged me to think of my own. This was super tough, but my method to solving the problem actually solved the problem in it of itself if that makes sense.

I'm very reliant on my intelligence to succeed, not being secretive nor powerful. I tend to benefit from my experience, being an older member here. I usually take very drastic measures to become better at things, and rely heavily on meditation to solve things. Finally, I self-sacrifice a lot. So

Bodhisattva is Netero


I'm using the fact you love using brute force, don't give a shit about the rules, and cockiness.

iTemp is Phinks

Last edited by Bodhisattva; Feb 27, 2017 at 05:28 PM.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!