Endurance Onslaught 6.0
I know I'm not allowed to vote but hopefully I can comment on apps :P. He actually asked me about joining origin and I said give it a shot. He's genuinely a nice guy and is really polite too
Originally Posted by Kirmish View Post


I didn't find the application very interesting but it's well designed, and you didn't read the first post. Even if you played back in 2009, i still consider you as "new" to the game because a lot changed and you have been out of training for a long time. I don't think that you fit our requirements at the moment. I vote no.
Originally Posted by WeppetKo View Post
Even if you played back in 2009, i still consider you as "new" to the game because a lot changed and you have been out of training for a long time.

He also has an 8th Dan black belt
Originally Posted by Kirmish View Post
Hello members of [Origin]!

About me:
My name is David and I'm 14 years old, my birth date is on 9 may 2001. I am from Romania. My usual routine trough the school year goes like this: Wake up, go to school, come back home and learn then go to bed, and that's how my life goes in the school year, but now that it's summer all I will be doing is to play video games and listen to music, but also doing my favourite hobbies: Riding my bicycle, going out with my dog, parkouring and video gaming. Also at school I'm doing pretty good, I'm having good grades and next school year I will be an 8-th grader, meaning that I will have to give an exam that will determinate in which high-school I will be in (The bigger the grade in the exam, the better the high-school) that means I will have to study hard. I am a gamer since 5 years old...not much to say about that

In-game skills:

I'm not such a good player, I played toribash in 2009 to 2011 I think, can't remember that well, I have 2 alts, those are: DavidRegum and Sicanio33, they are not ''big achievements'' since one is Brown belt and the other one Black belt (would have applied with the black belt one but I forgot the password to both of them since I didnt play on them for a really long time) but I think that belt doesn't really matter. I really like Mushu (I think I can handle myself in that mode pretty well), Judo (I like it and I can handle myself in that mode), Aikido (I'm not the best at it) and Aikido Big Dojo, personally I'm not good at Aikido, nor ABD but I'm willing to spend the time to learn these mods (watching guides and learning new tactics with my friends/brother or learning from some high skilled players in the public rooms).

Other games:
As other games I really like survival based games/FPS games or real time strategy games. My favourite game series is the Halo trilogy (Halo combat evolved -> Halo 2 -> Halo 3 -> Halo Reach -> Halo 4 -> Halo 5 that is going to be released soon I think. There may be the strategy PC Halo games but I have listed only the ones that can be playable on console.), but now the games I'm playing are: Rebuild 3, Toribash, League of Legends (I've been playing that game since 2009) and Metro Last Light Redux.

Why Origin?
Well, I was a member of OC (Obese Criminals) before, but I quit because the players weren't active and we didn't even have a ''Talk Thread'' and I saw a lot of people from Origin being very active and being very good at the game so I wanted to apply here. (So here I am ) I think that if I am going to be accepted I am going to learn a lot about the game and about you .

The end:
Thank you very much guys for spending your time with this application. I wanted it to be longer but I didn't really have ideas. Have a nice day!!!

no vote.
self proclaimed lurker and stalker
Even if kirmish does not make it I can form him into a solid player if he's willing to learn. Judging by his experience I don't think he is quite ready yet but everyone has a high skill cap with a willingness to learn. consider this when I making a decision on his application. This is not a bias reply because I have no clue who he/she is but I'm only giving an opinion. Hope I'm not violating any rules here but just wanted to voice a small opinion since he did put work into his application showing he wants to join the clan. thanks and have a bless day everyone. Also he did not read the first post so we do have to take that into consideration. Also he may have mearly forgot to put the phrase at the end because he clearly did use a similar format from the given examples in the first post
Last edited by barcodekila; Jun 26, 2015 at 02:18 AM.
Originally Posted by Kirmish View Post
Hello members of [Origin]!

About me:
My name is David and I'm 14 years old, my birth date is on 9 may 2001. I am from Romania. My usual routine trough the school year goes like this: Wake up, go to school, come back home and learn then go to bed, and that's how my life goes in the school year, but now that it's summer all I will be doing is to play video games and listen to music, but also doing my favourite hobbies: Riding my bicycle, going out with my dog, parkouring and video gaming. Also at school I'm doing pretty good, I'm having good grades and next school year I will be an 8-th grader, meaning that I will have to give an exam that will determinate in which high-school I will be in (The bigger the grade in the exam, the better the high-school) that means I will have to study hard. I am a gamer since 5 years old...not much to say about that

In-game skills:

I'm not such a good player, I played toribash in 2009 to 2011 I think, can't remember that well, I have 2 alts, those are: DavidRegum and Sicanio33, they are not ''big achievements'' since one is Brown belt and the other one Black belt (would have applied with the black belt one but I forgot the password to both of them since I didnt play on them for a really long time) but I think that belt doesn't really matter. I really like Mushu (I think I can handle myself in that mode pretty well), Judo (I like it and I can handle myself in that mode), Aikido (I'm not the best at it) and Aikido Big Dojo, personally I'm not good at Aikido, nor ABD but I'm willing to spend the time to learn these mods (watching guides and learning new tactics with my friends/brother or learning from some high skilled players in the public rooms).

Other games:
As other games I really like survival based games/FPS games or real time strategy games. My favourite game series is the Halo trilogy (Halo combat evolved -> Halo 2 -> Halo 3 -> Halo Reach -> Halo 4 -> Halo 5 that is going to be released soon I think. There may be the strategy PC Halo games but I have listed only the ones that can be playable on console.), but now the games I'm playing are: Rebuild 3, Toribash, League of Legends (I've been playing that game since 2009) and Metro Last Light Redux.

Why Origin?
Well, I was a member of OC (Obese Criminals) before, but I quit because the players weren't active and we didn't even have a ''Talk Thread'' and I saw a lot of people from Origin being very active and being very good at the game so I wanted to apply here. (So here I am ) I think that if I am going to be accepted I am going to learn a lot about the game and about you .

The end:
Thank you very much guys for spending your time with this application. I wanted it to be longer but I didn't really have ideas. Have a nice day!!!

no first post = no. sorry i gotta be harsh
Commencing Project Origin 2.0
Just adding a comment here.

He has potential, it's a great app with a lot of info aswell. I wouldn't have minded if i had to teach him a bit. Also, as zhu has said, he seems pretty fun to hang around with and pretty polite too.