Originally Posted by Vanish View Post
Get more red members to use forums

I’ll try to tell them ingame
print("Hello, World!")
I'm your new General. Practice will be today around 2:30, -0800 GMT. Please try to make it, as I will cover a few things.

i miss you ocean
Hello everyone, this'll just be a short introduction to me.
My ign is ZenXtra,
I'm relatively new to this game, even though I started an account when I was a little smol child. I started a new account (ZenXtra) and started playing. I never played multiplayer except for once, and now I've started to play multiplayer now that I've grown and understand more how the game works. (And not playing in hold mode). My favorite mod is by far aikidopro.
If you read this far, thanks, and maybe I'll see you on Toribash.
Hi ZenXtra and welcome back to Toribash! Hope you have a good time and if you want to play together sometime let me know
Welcome to the clan. Make sure to join the discord as we announce events and such on it.

i miss you ocean
Hello everyone! Welcome to Red SavageQ, I'm 3 weeks late to welcome you though. Whatever, though. Red is the superior color.
Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.
Anyone make any new moves in game lately? I saw a guy do a sweet helicopter kick earlier!

[Evil] is recruiting!

<DesiTwist> terty plays tb with the ghost turned off, uke turned off and uses that mouse with the ball in it