Originally Posted by MayoNinja View Post
Username: MayoNinja
Belt: Orange (Previous account had some issues..smh)
Rank: n/a
Skype: superfangs123 or Mary Fang (hummingbird profile)
Special Talents:Unpredicable dodges and weird hits, as well as the occasional good comeback
Fav Mods:Judofrac
Reason for wanting to join:I would like an active clan and have some fun
Previous Clan: Never had one, haha
Tell us about yourself: I go by Mary, and I like to play games for hours

Nice app Mary
Try find us ingame to be tested using ingame commands such as "/rf" and "/sa sw"
Username: Raken1365
Belt: Brown
Rank: n/a
Skype: Epa Klazor
Special talents: Good with engaging moves, sometimes saves
Fav mods: Mostly DM mods like Mushu etc.
Reason for wanting to join: Never been in a clan before and want to try, and have fun :3
Previous Clan: As stated above never been in one

For me this is really exciting although I'm feeling a bit nervous about it, if I get denied I can probably understand why.
Username: LoanMe
Rank: (Bank)
Special Talents: defense and suplex
Fav Mods: musho/akido
Reason for wanting to join: Wanting to be a big help as bank.
Previous Clan: Foxy
Um, I applied a bit ago... 2 belts have passed me by.. 2 testers..
I am quite worried. Am I accepted or no? DX
I'm sorry to rush you, but I really wanna know.
I really would like some feedback please, heh.
If you aren't going to respond, I'm applying for other clans. I really wanna know DX
Last edited by MayoNinja; Mar 8, 2016 at 02:26 AM.
my main is AgedColors
green(alt) brown(main)
Rank: (optional):
it usually stays around 500, it got reset so i could not give you a specific number, sorry.
Skype: (optional):
Special Talents:
im pretty good at grapple warfare and in real life i am above average at soccer
Fav Mods:
aikido based mods and i want to learn wushu
Reason for wanting to join:
i wanted to experiment with new people and forums, also i could bring some war experience.
Previous Clan:
on my main i am in ocean(OC)
Tell us about yourself:
I started playing toribash when it first came out on steam but lost interest after a while. in the past couple months i have come back into it and have gotten way better at the game. I was in OC with bradamly before he left to create this clan so i do have some familiar faces here. I play soccer and airsoft for fun whenever im not playing games, i am active almost every day.

ps. hi bradamly, sorry i never got around to finishing the texture, school and family sort of screwed me over.
Originally Posted by polarstar1 View Post
my main is AgedColors
green(alt) brown(main)
Rank: (optional):
it usually stays around 500, it got reset so i could not give you a specific number, sorry.
Skype: (optional):
Special Talents:
im pretty good at grapple warfare and in real life i am above average at soccer
Fav Mods:
aikido based mods and i want to learn wushu
Reason for wanting to join:
i wanted to experiment with new people and forums, also i could bring some war experience.
Previous Clan:
on my main i am in ocean(OC)
Tell us about yourself:
I started playing toribash when it first came out on steam but lost interest after a while. in the past couple months i have come back into it and have gotten way better at the game. I was in OC with bradamly before he left to create this clan so i do have some familiar faces here. I play soccer and airsoft for fun whenever im not playing games, i am active almost every day.

ps. hi bradamly, sorry i never got around to finishing the texture, school and family sort of screwed me over.

we will be glad to have you in our clan. When in game, type "/sa sw" to find someone in game to be recruited. Thank you for submitting the application!
Originally Posted by polarstar1 View Post
my main is AgedColors
green(alt) brown(main)
Rank: (optional):
it usually stays around 500, it got reset so i could not give you a specific number, sorry.
Skype: (optional):
Special Talents:
im pretty good at grapple warfare and in real life i am above average at soccer
Fav Mods:
aikido based mods and i want to learn wushu
Reason for wanting to join:
i wanted to experiment with new people and forums, also i could bring some war experience.
Previous Clan:
on my main i am in ocean(OC)
Tell us about yourself:
I started playing toribash when it first came out on steam but lost interest after a while. in the past couple months i have come back into it and have gotten way better at the game. I was in OC with bradamly before he left to create this clan so i do have some familiar faces here. I play soccer and airsoft for fun whenever im not playing games, i am active almost every day.

ps. hi bradamly, sorry i never got around to finishing the texture, school and family sort of screwed me over.

No need to be tested we played a heap of times together
Username: DadBond
Belt: Orange
Rank: 530
Skype: Jonasboy33
Special Talents: Risky shit in aikido
Fav Mods: aikido
Reason for wanting to join: Need a clan and this one seems pretty good
Previous Clan: None
Tell us about yourself: Just a chill student playing games when I have the time.
Played Toribash years ago, can't seem to find my old accound. Just got back into it after it got released on Steam, on a new account though.