Ok matt because you cant read or listen i will tell you again

I cant make 2 persons in one Picture
I cant make 2 persons in one Picture
I cant make 2 persons in one Picture
Meow :3
[Duck] [OLDA]
Ooh I know one. Have me like close up with my head and in both of my hands some wine bottles saying I'M DRUNK!
I'm back :)
Ty for tying affei. Hmm can I have a good force also on the render? XD
I'm back :)
Hmm maybe pure,demo, magnitude. I am sry if I am making this hard for you.
I'm back :)
No no no this isnt hard for me i could add every color this is easy.

You have to decide PUre,demon,or whatever tell me one.
Meow :3
[Duck] [OLDA]