View Poll Results: Are you interested in having Wibbles come back?
I want Wibbles back
99 Votes / 75.57%
I don't want it back
32 Votes / 24.43%
Voters: 131. You may not vote on this poll
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[SURVEY] How many people are interested in Wibbles coming back?
So right now we're in the midst of deciding whether or not we should let Wibbles come back. It's important to know how many people in the community are interested and would like it come back. If you are, then express your interest by clicking the poll option.

Originally Posted by suomynona View Post
@Ele: Make a poll in Suggestions and Ideas?
There's no magic number that'll make us bring it back, but knowing how many people want it back would certainly be a useful fact for any discussion about it.

suo says:
Wibbles was a board with very minimal rules enforcement. The primary rules were basically "Nothing illegal, no porn, and if we could cross our eyes and not conceive of a way that it wasn't blatant spam your post might get deleted". Essentially everything else was fair game.

At one point there was essentially a Wibbles Squad. Even if staff decides to restore Wibbles, no Wibbles-specific staff team will be reimplemented.
Last edited by suomynona; Sep 11, 2016 at 11:13 AM.
Isn't clan discussion already tuned down low enough?

"oh yeah but these guys told me not to post on their board"

Yeah I'm sure you'll make wibbles great like you're imagining it will be.
shut up fear sharing the same board with ppl like hipo and skizzify seems like a lot of fun i'm all for it
Originally Posted by Fear View Post
Isn't clan discussion already tuned down low enough?

Considering meme clans aren't allowed to have their own threads in clan discussion.

yeh i agree with sans I need to hear more of skizzify's amazing joks.
Originally Posted by Coine View Post
Considering meme clans aren't allowed to have their own threads in clan discussion.

But you can post whatever content the host clan allows so long as it doesn't break global rules. Just because we don't allow meme clans doesn't mean we don't allow shit-tier content.
So, the best solution for both lovers and haters will be making a wibbles clan where the uhm, leader will allow shittalking to everyone.
Maybe making this clan official and giving it an own board will be the rightest thing.
Originally Posted by Fear View Post
But you can post whatever content the host clan allows so long as it doesn't break global rules. Just because we don't allow meme clans doesn't mean we don't allow shit-tier content.

So you're saying since clan threads/boards are like a bunch of tiny wibbles a proper common wibble board would be redundant?

ehhhhh not buying it. I post on my own board + a rare few allies, occasionally. I wouldn't even consider posting on a random clan's board. I'm not special or anything so I imagine other people do the same thing, nevermind the fact that guys from clans like reckless and mau are clearly seen not ever posting fun stuff in TLL. Would I post in wibbles? duh, so would tons of other people. Would I have way more unique interactions with people than I do in clan discussion (when I actually post....)? Of course.
I wasn't here when wibbles was a thing, but i don't really see a problem with it, and i would actually like seeing new people/more people on a meme board instead of the same people almost everyday like toriprime that you have to pay for, and i'd much prefer toriprime to be a serious board then a shit posting/meme board/that's barely moderated, and i don't understand why half the people that don't want it back have it on there official clans, and there's always going to be one person that ruins it for everyone it's the internet things happen/mistakes will be made/no one is perfect, and i feel like more people will be coming and staying with the community if they can have fun on the forums, without having to buy a board for 10$-16$ that barely anyone talks on, and wibbles isn't really the same as a normal clan discussion/official clan, because you can actually talk on a thread you make or want to talk on without being told to fuck off or don't post here again constantly, and you aren't limited on what you can make unless it's against the rules.(like porn) Another thing is, it'll give more freedom to members, more freedom will mean more activity, and maybe even spawn more members while it's at it.

Also! almost everything cool that could happen on the toribash forums has an excuse, to not be made or happen, it's time to stop! tbhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Last edited by BigDog; Sep 29, 2016 at 03:51 PM.
Originally Posted by Pouffy View Post
So you're saying since clan threads/boards are like a bunch of tiny wibbles a proper common wibble board would be redundant?

ehhhhh not buying it. I post on my own board + a rare few allies, occasionally. I wouldn't even consider posting on a random clan's board. I'm not special or anything so I imagine other people do the same thing, nevermind the fact that guys from clans like reckless and mau are clearly seen not ever posting fun stuff in TLL. Would I post in wibbles? duh, so would tons of other people. Would I have way more unique interactions with people than I do in clan discussion (when I actually post....)? Of course.

I would still defend though, the way people are talking its like there's absolutely no place where we don't enforce Discussion-level rules.
Last edited by Fear; Sep 29, 2016 at 04:26 PM.
Originally Posted by Thor View Post
Thats actually what i say.
A no rule board where you just arent allowed to be racist homophobic etc etc etc already exists and thats a Discussion board/any clan board/actually almost any board of no certain theme like art, replays or market.

You don't even need to click on the Discussion board to know that that's not right. It's meant for serious discussion, much unlike a wibbles board would be.

Not everyone has a clan board that they can turn to. Most clans wouldn't really want their board to be used as wibbles, nor would a clan dedicated to it likely get official (and thus have a board instead of just one small thread), because it'd be a meme/shitpost clan. If you're going to make a clan official just so it can be a wibbles substitute, why the hell not just make an easily accessible wibbles board?

The only other board besides Discussion that doesn't have a certain theme is Off-topic, and if off-topic were that similar to wibbles this whole thing wouldn't exist.

I mentioned this in a related off-topic thread:

Originally Posted by shinitai View Post
So, lots of people really want wibbles. Some people don't want wibbles. I say just try it. Make it so you're required to be logged in, put some moderators on it, and see how it goes for a week or two. If it turns out to be an absolutely horrible idea, remove it.

Last edited by Kahn; Oct 1, 2016 at 04:02 AM.

Originally Posted by shinitai View Post
So, lots of people really want wibbles. Some people don't want wibbles. I say just try it. Make it so you're required to be logged in, put some moderators on it, and see how it goes for a week or two. If it turns out to be an absolutely horrible idea, remove it.

Majority of people that voted against, are here long enough to remember old wibbles and that's pretty much the reason why they don't want it back.