I want a head
The skin color qs (quicksilber)
Head Style: Cyclone
i want a vampire color mohawk
Cancel my offer
Last edited by AntiDeath; Apr 5, 2014 at 01:25 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
~Remember where you came from
And join [Origin] !
Originally Posted by AntiDeath View Post
I want a head
The skin color qs (quicksilber)
Head Style: Cyclone
i want a vampire color mohawk
Cancel my offer

Ok, thank you.

Also, "For sell" prices lowered!
A vector
/LP me for my head
The colour around it must be Plat (The circle to make the head)
And below it must say 'Clown'
4k for it
Head avatar in Platinum please.
"Ajiskempet" underneath it in Supernova
/dl and /lp me for my head.
4k for it.

Edit: Can you make it in 2 size? if yes i want head avatar size and siggy size
May I get an Avvy please?
-Dl and lp 0 me ingame to see what details are on my head (don't put in the hair)
-Just do the head in a grey color (:
-Do the text (my name) underneath with a marine (:


When you're finished, could you possibly pm me because it takes my Internet ages to load this page. So yeah. I don't know if i can check back here.

Uhm lol, idek if i picked the right name for the thing i want, but it looks like this

4k Sent!
father of philip scone
Originally Posted by filipe994 View Post

I did it in 150x150 so it can resize automatically for avvy and sig.

Nice filipe! 4k Sent!