I don't even know what to say to this shit anymore.

You always impress me. Not many people can be as consistently fantastic as this.

Impossible glute kick, classic crazy pusga-boom, into nograb kickskeet decap.

You spoil us
[12:00] <fudgiebalz> toribash SUCKS
Check my ~~~Dank Replays~~~
your use of grab to gain retardedly fast movement was really shweet

really, really interesting and cool replay d00d
im going to go through this step by step.
retarded opener, i love it
ankle ghosting, liking it
probably the most random double glute ever, but it's you so i was sort of expecting it
perf boom, isawitcoming
subtle knee dm, should've seen it the first time
cool kickskeet
perf pose
still somehow didn't manage to break 50 speed but got those dms, not confuse, was expecting.

can I just give up now pusga?
i liked everything about this but i don't just wanna say i like it so im gonna be nitpicky the hit at 445 does next to nothing sorry for being picky you're too good this was all one sentence tenouttaten
alright guy
Really cool, the first 2 hits where magial, i barely saw what was happening. You should have gotten a boomhit somewhere though.
|Opener by Xioi|#KillTheScootCork|
"Cool delfin med solglajjor" -Larfen