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Toribash multilingual.
A way to translate other peoples language, also be able to type in other languages. Like you type something and it makes it into another language.


Person number1:
Different language from English.= Hello how are you.

Person number2:
Oh I am great! = Different language from English.

This would be in the scripts folder, or option ether one.

It would be an option with a drop down menu with all of the main languages. Russian, Spanish, Mexican, so on and so on.

It also would be a good option for a quick select ingame.


Your chat bar>
/opt translate Russian - English

That would be>
Different language from English.= Hello how are you.


Your chat bar>
/opt translate English - Russian

That would be>
Oh I am great! = Different language from English.

I think this would help out our language barriers and get to know people from other countries that are not multi linguistic.

Why do u all find one problem and then say not supported u have to discuss the problems.
Like omega dark they can make it easily to choose your primary language or so
But on my opinion this idea should be delayed till they make this game multi languaged
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INB4 14 days ban
I just loled there lololol
There is whisper
And you do u keep saying not supported work the problem and if there is no solution
Then say not supported

Sent from An app
INB4 14 days ban
I just loled there lololol
There is whisper

There is no group whisper. What if for ex. group of German players want to chat privately?
Pig may be haxed
Maybe you're right...
But when someone can't write correctly it will not translate it.
+ mostly all translators fail at translating full sentences.
+ single words (ex. english) may have many meanings.
+ it may slow down the servers (if it will be server-based)
+ ton of other reasons i'm too lazy to write about
Pig may be haxed
Now you are right about that you should have wrote that before
Now those are enough reasons to say Not supported

Sent from An app
INB4 14 days ban
Perhaps some form of ingame translator would be nice. It would be helpful to talk to people of a different native language than yourself.
In theory this suggestion seems reasonable, but there are no known accurate translators, well except for bilingual persons.

Also, you must take into account that both slang and abbreviations are widely practiced, especially on the internet.
Nigma Disconnected
Quit Game.
I understand that making this work would be rather hard but like you said, in theory I think it would be nice.