Thanks 8OJ4N! ^_^ I would be honored. Truth be told I wouldn't have entered if yours hadn't provoked me lol even tho I was the one who poked Ezeth to make another comp in the first place.

Reference was a mirror to my left, lol I 'll give you a layer animation tho :P

The hair is pretty rushed yeah, n my expression is alittle gormless lol.
Last edited by KungFuJC; Jul 21, 2010 at 12:48 PM.
[GATA Elite #2][PigeonHive]Ldr's
I'm more of a 'comic-book-look' guy. If u know what I mean :}. Professional deformation. :]
My style is gritty, messy, grungy. I left the 'Renaissance' long time ago... :] Just tell me, KungFuJC, where can I see more of your work? Do u have some kind of portfolio somewhere on the web?

EDIT: Also, did u ever tried to do fighting scenes, comic book narration and that stuff?
Last edited by 8OJ4N; Jul 21, 2010 at 01:59 PM.
Originally Posted by KungFuJC View Post
I'll regret this tomorrow because I dislike the whole show yourself thing but...

Also I couldn't seem to get the eye to the right quite... well right...
The squiggle on my chin is actually a scar.

You look abit like fry from futurama
I like doing art and stuff| GATA |... My Deviant Art Http://
Hmm if im still not to late I will post my redo of myself soon where having internet problems these days :s
| GATA | Guild Wars 2 | Anime United |
I grew up on a "how to draw the marvel comics way" book lol.
altho I don't really have any examples of Comic style stuff anymore tho since I started uni, with tutors pounding that out of me lol."take drawing seriously! do life drawing! stop using biro!"
hmmm well I started an online sketchbook of sorts, well with my left hand (I'm righthanded) with the idea of becoming ambidextrous in mind lol. You can take a look at that I guess? altho its mainly me just getting used to faces again :/ needs updating.
I tend to draw pretty girls with a lack of clothes lately.

I did start making a comic about a physicist who descovers how to distort the frequencies at which particles vibrate at by amplifying his own body's bioelectrical field. It was mainly him running around exploding peoples heads and limbs, the usual giant robots where involved aswell. Haven't gotten very far yet tho lol.

I'm familiar with RIFT's style, I think its awesome, I love the colours in it the most.
I can do gritty and fighting scenes, preferably with kungfu & gore. Infact I can do one to show you you like lol.
I don't do much environments tho :/ always overcomplicate things and get fed up lol.
I could prolly do with some pointers on comic narration too.

For a time I was heavily stuck in Tsutomu Nihei mode (BLAME! etc) altho now I look to odd people on like Makkon n Randis. The urge to learn digital like them pro's's's'ss. I'm along way from them tho lol.

I'd love to get my hands on some Ashley Wood artbooks, too expensive tho ;_;
Last edited by KungFuJC; Jul 21, 2010 at 05:39 PM.
[GATA Elite #2][PigeonHive]Ldr's

Well its not perfectly well but either way I tried my best to make it something decently , keep in mind im still practicing my drawing .
Last edited by iNoTo; Jul 21, 2010 at 05:59 PM.
| GATA | Guild Wars 2 | Anime United |
KungFuJC, u are very, very, very skilled and talented. You studding art? It shows! :} I wish I had luck to go to some art school, but my road took me sideways...So I lack the 'technical' things... Anyway, can I start bothering u on PM cause ppl will start to object if we continue to talk here a lot :P I have some ideas if u have time. For some Rift pages... I'm so glad that we talked, finally :} I remember u from MFR (if my memory serves me right),but in that time I was still 'young' on forums.