That wasn't scary at all...
The start made me laugh though... "there were a lonely house, where no one live for over 500 years, until... a man came there and died" This story sounds like another story i read.
It makes me wonder..
I will kill you with the knife I left in the wall job

Because you make walls with a knife, obviously
User was infracted for this post. (Useless post)
Heyy wait...
Maybe the scary is coming from how bad the story is!!

Yeah? Thats probably what he was going for yeah?

Seriously. Your "scary" stories aren't very scary. Too short. Not descriptive enough words. And the English and grammar are atrocious.
Co Leader of Hell-Razor
I'll take a zombie story make it funny with the bad grammar and spelling and stuff please.

I'm serious bout the story though. Put it on ur website when ur done please.
Last edited by isaac; Sep 10, 2008 at 02:26 PM.
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Originally Posted by YoungBl00d View Post
blah blah... --- enough words[( . ) <------> And --- 1] the [English and grammar --- 1.5] [are --- 2] atrocious.

1. You started a sentence with And,
1.5, you used the word "and" twice in a sentence,
2. you used "are", where there should be an "is".

I wouldn't complain to much about his grammar, when your grammar is not much better. ;>

I will read this guy's story. Even though most comments I have seen thus far, claim it is not worth reading :o

"There was a lonely house, on the side of a cliff, that no one had lived in for over 500 years, until a man came. He lived there peacefully for weeks, making friends with the neighbors, and after a few years, mysteriously one day, he turned up dead, in the basement of the broken down house. People began starting a rumor that his ghost had been haunting the house, though nobody would go to see. There was a family who had just moved in, who obviously didn't believe this rumor, nor the death of the middle aged man, so they moved in. Instantly while walking in, the baby began to cry, wild and obsessively, they tried to calm it, but it would not rest. After two weeks of madness, the family began to unpack their belongings, when later that night, around Two o' Clock in the morning, the baby started crying louder then before, it began to choke and hover in mid-air, like a being of some sort were holding it, but nothing could be seen. In total panic, the rest of the Family ran around trying to tear the baby away, but the force was too strong, and not soft enough, thus killing the baby sending it's inurds flowing about in a mad rage. The son of the family, took a look at the mirror, noticing a glimps of what seemed to be a shodowed figure, tearing the baby limb from limb, so he ran into the other room. When the family ran after him, they found another shodowed firugre, dark enough to see with the naked eye, holding a knife which had been lodged into the boy's throat. After a struggle, and a fight or two, people stopped hearing from the family, and decided to talk with local authority. The Police showed up, a month later, to see what might have happened. 3/4 of the Force knew about the mysterious death of the middle aged man, but only half of them believed it, the remaining force stayed outside as 7 men marched inside, fully loaded with guns and bullet proof vests. The Police waited 5 days to see what the 7 men had found, but when they walked inside, there was only blood painted childishly on the walls. They decided to demolish the house shortly after the incedent, but it's still said that 11 ghosts can still be seen walking around the Cliff, at Two Dusk."

Grammar fixed, and detail added. Still probably a few mistakes, but oh well
Last edited by SokuTofu; Sep 10, 2008 at 03:12 PM.
<hanz0> Once upon a time... NUCLEAR WINTER!
<Iburnaga> I would suck to get anally raped. XD
No offense wolfboy but those stories are worse than the ones i made in like yr 6. Sorry but it really was bad, especially since u said ur good at doing them.

.:BLACKBELT:. http://iamking.on.toribash.com/<<<click for free tc!
He'll get better as he writes more >_> stop insulting him and his grammar cus I still want that zombie story =P.
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