1. texture

2. 8 months

3. to improve my skills,and meet other texturers

4. yes

..... Iz wasting the Tori Prime , because i can.
Gomesdead: We would like to see more examples of your work. Please add more.

aforementioned: We would like to see the progress and finished product of your latest drawing (the one with the black hood). Let us know when it's done.
We are terribly sorry
The thing is I saw your examples and I thought you are in GATA (I was taking care of the list).

Well... you have officially been accepted to GATA now! Welcome Feel free to post in Activity check! Join #GATA Channel on IRC if you want! There are usually many artists who can help you!

nose is way off, and id like to some more definition around the mouth, looks a bit flat
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-