Will not vote for it being Biased

Idk why you felt the need to make bias yellow and there for impossible to read but it's an objective statement, do you or do you not think he has the skill to join the organisation. If the answer is yes then vote yes, and if the answer is no vote no. If your friendships taint your view that much you really shouldn't be voting on applications and that goes to everyone else too.
Last edited by lillian; Jul 28, 2015 at 04:57 PM. Reason: Moderation message

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
Ehh. I'm not really sure. I'd like to play you in game or have someone else play against you to really see if you'd fit or not.
Originally Posted by Gunkman04 View Post
Meh, the only replay that slightly impresses me, is the first one.

Gonna have to be a no

^ Good app, Meh replays. No from me.
|[TA]|[MLO]|Team Pokemon|
Fear sucks eggs
That's settled then, please re-apply again anytime you want.
Also, my vote is also No for now, you haven't improved that much. I really like your effort though, wish you a good luck next time.
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Main rival of ToriBot since 20&&
- made in Indonesia

The warrior guided by the spirit serves humanity, the warrior without, serves the ego.
Application 2 stronk
Herro. Reapplying again :3
I'm here to slide into [TA]

Ok, so my name is ApatheticP, but people call me Apa or Apath. I've been playing 4 months now and I think I can learn a lot from this organization. My GMT is all over the place, but right now it's 0. In 3 weeks I'm moving to Florida with -5 GMT.

I'm 13 years old, but I act mature when needed (I can be a bit of a goof at times). I'm good at countering suplexes and lifts. I know how to not be decapped, and to use relax to prevent dms. I have ok striking skills, and I love to risk.

Now here's what I'm not good at. I'm not good at decapping. I always get the unlucky neck fracs ;-;. I'm not good at countering leggrabs. I'm also move too many joints. I'm just learning to incorporate relax and hold into my attacks

I'd say my activity is 9/10 in-game, 6/10 in forums, but 1/10 in IRC (will improve). My style is trying to be in complete control of the game. I want to change my opponents ghost more than mine. This lets me do throws and turnovers. I play AikidoBigDojo.tbm more than any mod, but I do play greykido quite often.

I'm the type of player that uses inside grab as an advantage, but sometimes I used outside grab for a challenge and possible wrist dms.

I hope you take this application into consideration. I should be on in around 6-7 hours if you want to play some Aikido.
Attached Files
hentai'd.rpl (63.3 KB, 10 views)
APatheticP.rpl (38.5 KB, 8 views)
Aikido 1.rpl (41.3 KB, 7 views)
Pro.rpl (46.5 KB, 7 views)
MLG.rpl (33.1 KB, 7 views)
Last edited by ApatheticP; Aug 5, 2015 at 04:42 AM.
(Leash)ApatheticP: plz dont use me
(Leash)KaZyDog: I only use attractive ppl dont worry about it
If you need to tell us how mature you are, you are not mature
[4:37 PM] ponf: y'all might think i'm not wild enough to send dick pics over toribash
[4:37 PM] ponf: you'd be wrong
uwu i wuv you uwu
Originally Posted by ApatheticP View Post


Sorry but I only download the first 2 replays.

On the first replay you did a good job on dming your opponent's right arm, really nice move but it makes the replay looks kind of boring, your opponent can't even balanced his body out with just 1 hand, well it's kind of too quick, it looks like you desired nothing but win.

On the second replay, you did a good job on stopping the opponent's push, but that way of stopping is pretty basic, your opponent is not even able to recounter your move, looks like he wasn't really care about the game anymore after you stopped his push.

Your application seems ok, your style is also not that bad but it's pretty basic(on the strike and counter), and those 2 replays is not really interesting. I have to vote No for now, sorry.
Last edited by Raiken; Aug 5, 2015 at 04:11 PM.
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Main rival of ToriBot since 20&&
- made in Indonesia

The warrior guided by the spirit serves humanity, the warrior without, serves the ego.