I am Evil
Nick Names: Drone36 (Steam username: Polybius)

-10th dan Black Belt ; my account has been active since 2009

How do you act in game?:
-I'd say I am reserved, peaceful, and level headed.

About how many times do you post on the forums weekly?:
-Not commonly, but I will do what I must to participate more. I'll surely post more in art threads and replay threads; I'm becoming increasingly active in the community as of lately. One can simply try me as a trial member to truly see how active I am or have become.

Do you use IRC:
-Of course!

Why are you applying for [Evil]?:
-Because I want to contribute to [Evil].

Have you been banned/infracted in the past (if so, for what):
-Only once, back in 2011, It was for not reporting a conversation about torrents apparently.

Favorite mod?:
-Wushu.tbm Mushu.tbm AikidoBigDojo.tbm

Skills outside toribash?:
-I'd like to think I'm good at many arts: painting, drawing and music and creative writing.

What was the last Clan you were in?:

Vouchers(who would say you're good enough to get in):
-RAWWRH, bigdogswag the latest person I've met. Most of the members in my previous clan are no longer active and unfortunately they can't vouch for me.

Do you agree with the [Evil] Code?:
-I agree with the [Evil] Code.

-I am Evil-
Last edited by Polybius; Nov 20, 2015 at 08:51 AM.
I am evil.
I'd say no. We're currently a very forum orientated clan, and unless you can quickly become more forum active (ingame doesn't matter to us, as most of us don't play) I'm going to say no.

(Basically become more forum active and stay in the main chat forums)
Minecraft is full of autistic 8 year olds -Goat 2015
i dont understand why you want to join us
we are sticking in forums and do other retarded things more than playing ingame, this is not the type of the clan you need, really
Originally Posted by drone36 View Post
Why are you applying for [Evil]?:
-Because I want to contribute to [Evil].

if you are joining a clan you sure are going to "contribute to it", but this is not a reason to join it
I guess putting him on trial to see if he gets active is a good idea....
"You have every right to be offended, just don't cry when no one cares."
I would love somewhat more brief answers but you look a good guy overall. So I say yes. That makes it 5 yes.


• [OLDA] • Striking Reborn • [RMO] •
• I Am Flame Fairy & Do Misc Art. Pm Me For Requests! •
Thank you for your thoughts, opinions, and acceptance.

Originally Posted by tictacky2 View Post
I'd say yes, as long as you get rid of the signature. Oh, please post a better reason to join Evil.

Signature has been corrected

Here's a better reason:
A better reason would be to finally join a clan that doesn't die. I was in a previous clan that died out due to in-activity and seeing it all fall apart when it had just become official was really sad. I also rather join a clan with people I can hopefully relate to and get to know better. Also, This clan has a great rule-set. After reading the rules of this clan (Evil Code), It seemed like the right clan for me. There are many clans out there that aren't as respectful as this clan. I want to be associated with good people, and you all are great people, I know this because you all follow your rule system.
I can tell you're serious about this clan. I'll get a higher-up to invite you.
Minecraft is full of autistic 8 year olds -Goat 2015