Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by SkulFuk View Post
They're everywhere, so I'm building him. Basically any of the glowy leader enemies can potentially drop a BP... And they do - by the ton.

Yet another dudeframe to sit unused. Bitchframe master race \o/

I'm gonna build volt and banshee once I finish tearing down / re-building my dojo.

Cccaaauusseee why not.
why tho
No love for Valkyr? I think she might be the best DPS out there. That brings me to my next question, which is the best DPS in your opinion?

Also, I have all the volt parts. I just need someone to convince me to actually build it.
Originally Posted by -Cyri- View Post
I'm gonna build volt and banshee once I finish tearing down / re-building my dojo.

Cccaaauusseee why not.

TBH I don't rate either of them, though Volt would win out because the electric shield's kinda good. Neither stand out for offence or utility, but at least they don't run like someone glued their feet to the floor *cough*RhinoEmber*cough*


Originally Posted by Hero View Post
No love for Valkyr? I think she might be the best DPS out there. That brings me to my next question, which is the best DPS in your opinion?

Also, I have all the volt parts. I just need someone to convince me to actually build it.

I got a Valkyr... I GOT ALL THE BITCHFRAMES! \o/

Eh, she's ok. The whole pointless shield silly armour thing's pretty interesting. TBH I don't think of frames in terms of DPS, it's more what they can do & how fun they are doing it. Weapon DPS... Now that's a whole other story.
Last edited by SkulFuk; Apr 13, 2014 at 06:14 AM.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Originally Posted by SkulFuk View Post
I got a Valkyr... I GOT ALL THE BITCHFRAMES! \o/

Eh, she's ok. The whole pointless shield silly armour thing's pretty interesting. TBH I don't think of frames in terms of DPS, it's more what they can do & how fun they are doing it. Weapon DPS... Now that's a whole other story.

They built valkyr like it was a joke honestly.

"Yes, lets make a frame with an ability that uses shields, and not give her shields!"

She's really just one big spam stun button.
Last edited by -Cyri-; Apr 13, 2014 at 07:07 AM.
why tho
Originally Posted by SkulFuk View Post
I got a Valkyr... I GOT ALL THE BITCHFRAMES! \o/

Eh, she's ok. The whole pointless shield silly armour thing's pretty interesting. TBH I don't think of frames in terms of DPS, it's more what they can do & how fun they are doing it. Weapon DPS... Now that's a whole other story.

Damn. Should I stop building her? I have three slots. I have excalibur and rhino in two and the third one is free. Which frame should I stash in the third one? Also, since you've played with all frames, which is the most fun to play as in your opinion?
Originally Posted by Hero View Post
Damn. Should I stop building her? I have three slots. I have excalibur and rhino in two and the third one is free. Which frame should I stash in the third one? Also, since you've played with all frames, which is the most fun to play as in your opinion?

I've got the most mileage out of Sayrn & Nova.
Sayrn being a tanky frame with one of the best abilities for quick killing heavies & high level ancients. I prefer her to Rhino for tanking, she's far more mobile.
Nova's a light armoured damage based frame, her first ability's something you'll get in the habit of using all the time. Her second... Well it all depends on how much ammo you're willing to fire into a ball of death. If you like killing while on the run she's a perfect pick.

Valkyr's pretty fun, and makes you play differently. The majority of the other frames you can get away with the same old same old tactics. Don't mistake her for being squishy though, she's got high health & ridiculous armour. Granted the shield's crap, but with maxed Steel Fibre & Vitality she takes a lot to kill. Plus her fourth ability is practically god mode - so long as you don't leave anything alive near her when it runs out.

Why not rank up some mods, farm some BPs & sell them for plat to buy more slots? WF has a pretty busy trade channel in chat for a reason y'know.

Originally Posted by -Cyri- View Post
They built valkyr like it was a joke honestly.

"Yes, lets make a frame with an ability that uses shields, and not give her shields!"

She's really just one big spam stun button.

All part of the lore, NEVER QUESTION THE LORE.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Got my Nova built, got 2 stances without realising it, got 6 nightmare only mods, and a lot of Prime stuff whilst getting my Rhino to 30.
Found Split Chamber and the pistol equivalent


Good night
OooOooOoh and I also nearly got my Nikana <3
Last edited by souldevilj; Apr 13, 2014 at 11:28 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
Got my Nova built

Welcome to the Nova master race.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
Got my Nova built, got 2 stances without realising it, got 6 nightmare only mods, and a lot of Prime stuff whilst getting my Rhino to 30.
Found Split Chamber and the pistol equivalent


Good night
OooOooOoh and I also nearly got my Nikana <3

Which stances did you get?

The multishot mods are great. Maxed out, the pistol one has 120%, meaning you always shoot 2 bullets and have a 20% chance to shoot a 3rd.

I think SpacePD's Nikana research should be done pretty soon as well. I just up and bought the dragon one for plat because I didn't feel like waiting for the research.

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
if you love america please sign this petition
Originally Posted by Hero View Post
Damn. Should I stop building her? I have three slots. I have excalibur and rhino in two and the third one is free. Which frame should I stash in the third one? Also, since you've played with all frames, which is the most fun to play as in your opinion?

Do not stop building Valkyr. She really isn't that great of a warframe, but concerning your second question, Valkyr is probably the most fun to play along side with Rhino. This is mostly because of her "Rip Line", but "Hysteria" is also a lot of fun.

And Rhino, well he just charges into things.