Belt: 6th dan
Age: 16
Speciality: I don't do much.
Sheep-employment: Being "that peter guy"
Analysis: shit and shit etc
Favorites: Cigarettes
Non-favorites: Shitting yourself in a public setting. That's the worst.
Expect peter to say:
Belt: yellow (Fucking killer20 stealing mah qi)
Age: 19
Speciality: Real life football :v? alright SP replays
Sheep-employment: Lurking
Analysis: Failure at spelling, trolls some
Favorites: donno
Non-favorites: looking like an idiot in public
Expect Rave to say: :v, :c, :V, wat
Belt: 2nd Dan
Age: 17
Specialty: Being better than expected.
Sheep-employment: Inactive whore.
Analysis: Loyal, self contradictory, secretly hates everyone.
Favourites: Un-stupid people, music, world peace, long walks on the beach.
Non-favourites: Stupid people, elitists, shitty half-assed FPS "mmos" that don't do the genre justice.....fuckers.
Expect Argentum to say: "Yes." "<insert 4chan here>" " u"
Last edited by Argentum; Nov 2, 2009 at 05:14 AM. Reason: Making it look stylish. :v
u wan fite bruv ill mash yer fokn ead in sware on me mum
Belt: 6th Dan
Age: 18
Specialty: Anal stimulation
Sheep-employment: Llama trainer
Analysis: Possibly human
Favourites: Fudge, roller coasters, anything involving both.
Non-favourites: Idiots.
Expect Argentum to say: "Sup"
On the other hand, expect Gubbin1 to say: "I can read I swear to god"
Last edited by Gubbin1; Nov 3, 2009 at 03:49 AM.
^garblejfidlssja beflijfdsl baeufkh dsjlinuefjdsl
Belt: 7th Dan
Age: 26
Specialty: Aikido, TK, KB
Sheep-employment: Muffdiver
Analysis(about as person): always drunken
Favourites: sheeps and girls
Non-favourites: days without alcohol
Expect Shakky to say (regular quotes):
"muffdiving? muffdiving!"

[Evil] is recruiting!

<DesiTwist> terty plays tb with the ghost turned off, uke turned off and uses that mouse with the ball in it