Original Post
[Underway]Achievement Overhaul
This thread has been merged with similar threads. Things related to a new achievement list, new achievements, or simply fixing the achievements goes here.

I would like to suggest this because it's been bugging me.
The achievements are broken, they only work for belt's and full sets.
The rest of the things, like win 1000 akido games and so on, are broken, and do not work.

So I was thinking, why not integrate the achievments into the client? And have a little pop-up come up in the corner. Also, new achievements for beating the bot Uke, and winning your first game. I don't know how you guys will react but that's just what I think. ;)

Thanks for reading.
Last edited by Lazors; Feb 4, 2016 at 09:13 PM.
The juiciest Wolf in town.
While I would love the achievements area to be fixed... I highly doubt the people in charge of that give a shit :/

Pls fix

and honestly it couldn't be that hard to delete them right?
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Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.
Originally Posted by Kirito View Post
While I would love the achievements area to be fixed... I highly doubt the people in charge of that give a shit :/

Pls fix

and honestly it couldn't be that hard to delete them right?

That would imply someone handed over a list of them all, however everytime I've requested one people vanish without making it.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Originally Posted by SkulFuk View Post
That would imply someone handed over a list of them all, however everytime I've requested one people vanish without making it.

so basically there is someone who is avoiding this?

also who made the achievements and decided to start making a ton of random
ones? (examples:

i think the one that made them so messed up,is the one who should
start repairing them (call it karma xp )
I don't think they should be deleted, as Tyzi said that he achieved the pony and lama achievement and it wont be right to remove something that was worked hard on, etc.

But i do think that the achievements should be fixed, especially the in-game achievements. as far as i know its only the bushido etc, mod achievements that are broken and the ranking achievements.

Here are some more that were made:
Last edited by Quack; Jun 22, 2016 at 03:22 PM.
Quack's Club

Pm me for help or if you have any questions.
Originally Posted by nikosefs View Post
so basically there is someone who is avoiding this?

also who made the achievements and decided to start making a ton of random
ones? (examples:

i think the one that made them so messed up,is the one who should
start repairing them (call it karma xp )

That's mean finding a lot of people who haven't been around for a lot of years.

As for the avoiding bit, that comes down to the people that complain about achievements lol. They tend to vanish the moment they get asked to do something. ¬_¬ Seems they don't get that the people who can remove them can also get the busted achievements, so we need to be told which are screwed by people who can't.

Originally Posted by FleshMon View Post
I don't think they should be deleted, as Tyzi said that he achieved the pony and lama achievement and it wont be right to remove something that was worked hard on, etc.

But i do think that the achievements should be fixed, especially the in-game achievements. as far as i know its only the bushido etc, mod achievements that are broken and the ranking achievements.

Here are some more that were made:

They can be hidden from the main list so they'll only show for people who have them. Oddly enough that also takes them out the % calculation so you could get 100% without flat out killing certain achievements.

Ones for clan league & world champs etc shouldn't count towards % for example, but they shouldn't be removed at the same time.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Make all achievements 100% achieveable and delete ranking ones and buyables. As to those sesonal/miscellaneous like lama team turn them into new category called "badges" and turn those badges that cant be unlocked invisible.

Originally Posted by nikosefs View Post

Also about fixing them,how hard can it be to fix
something that was working at some point?
what are the steps required to fix them?

About people vanishing when asked to help,i never got a reply in that post
asking exactly that,what needs to be done.
Instead i got warnings and deleted posts for bumping that thread.

Working ones (probably)

-Legacy and legend probably work.

Broken ones

-From what i know most if not all achievements
regarding winning 1000 games of e.g mod (gentle way,bushido,lei si le etc)
are broken.

-Cassius clay and glass joe have been broken since they were created.
-The decap achievements have inconsistent reset time.
-The rank achievements are pretty much broken since they regard
the old rank system - plus i don't know why some of them even got made
(like the 1337 rank)
-Hitting air is probably also broken,i am sure i have participated in games
that got draw with 0 points and i don't have it.

-Noob luck,prodigy,rising star,falling star - i can't know if they are broken
since they are for new accounts (except if i make a new account just to
try and get them)
-OLDA you achieved to get in an org for old ppl,congrats (useless achievement,just remove it)
-Cucumbers,pet rock,hector relax,10,50 lottery tickets achievements imo they are useless,
but i guess they could go to the events achievements section (if and when the achievements get categorized)

tell me if there is anything else skulfuk.
Last edited by nikosefs; Jun 23, 2016 at 12:26 PM.
I suggested before that achivements should be split in 2 categories.
Achivements that u can get 100% and achivents that are somewhat legendary, that are for fame, that you achived over the years...that make up your oldschool player etc.

That would be a step fwd imo.
Achivements are important if u can get them all.
If u can only get 60% it makes no sense imo.
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Note - I'll be a while before I poke these. I'll get it done sometime after CL...
If I forget remind me lol

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Yeah man. Just put 2 categories.
Achivable and 1 time achivements...u know where i am going with this.

Make legend achivements or something. That sounds good...
Pm me for deals