indeed it is. we might try this out.
|Proud founder of origin|
Clan Squad|Event Squad<Biggems|Simga|
Got a clan issue? How about a App? pm me!
Zeus for Smod| I’m a god just deal!
The Brazilian (Dog) Godfather
Alright, i'm glad to see you appreciate the system, thanks for your replies.

Leaders, whenever you want to start the vote system that will decide initial positions of members, PM me so we can discuss methods and things related. Atm i'm a bit busy with school things, but i can find the time for all.

Other suggestions are still accepted, i can modify some aspects in every moment. Names of ranks for example, if you find something better, write it.
so I thought of something when I ran across a problem in this idea. The problem that what if I want to take part of this ranking system. But, the rules of this system prevent me from doing so since I am the Co-ldr. The same goes for other higher ups. My solution is that we keep some of the members old positions written in the clan page at the top right above the rankings for reference (so they still know their jobs and there is no confusion) and we change all the rankings except possibly the leader (we might run into problems while trying to move that rank) and we let EVERYONE participate in the new ranking the people who had their jobs in the past keep their powers but all the ranks (by skill) are reset.
[VIBE] 2015~2016 | Team Pokemon | [Origin] 2014~2015 | Team Aikido | [Obey] ~Because Frost Said So...
Originally Posted by MasterFate View Post
so I thought of something when I ran across a problem in this idea. The problem that what if I want to take part of this ranking system. But, the rules of this system prevent me from doing so since I am the Co-ldr. The same goes for other higher ups. My solution is that we keep some of the members old positions written in the clan page at the top right above the rankings for reference (so they still know their jobs and there is no confusion) and we change all the rankings except possibly the leader (we might run into problems while trying to move that rank) and we let EVERYONE participate in the new ranking the people who had their jobs in the past keep their powers but all the ranks (by skill) are reset.

Uhm, lets see. Initially i thought to put this new rank's list separate from the one that we already have, for example in a thread or in our clan page, but absolutely without mixing those two lists. It would create a lot of confusion, as you said.

I never thought about replacing the actual list with my ranks, i haven't any problem with this, but i think this decision should belong to you and other leaders.
After the big shit storm on the Inactivity Thread about the "Betting server Incident", I had an idea.

I feel like certain ranks in the clan should have the power to have operating power in events and have the power to make them.
(NOTE : This is an in-game idea)

The Powers : Operator and the ability to make the event.

Higher Ups
Leader Access : Yes, both
Founder Access : Yes, both
Clan Commander Access : Yes, both
Executive Officer Access : Yes, both
Prime Chancellor Access : Yes, both
Council Access : Yes, both
Veteran Access : Yes, both
Executive Recruiter Access : Yes, operating powers (op)
Recruiter Access : If permission from the higher-ups, operating powers (op)
War Commander Acess : If permission from the higher-ups, operating powers (op)
War Disciple Access : If permission from the higher-ups, operating powers (op)
Inactive Member Access : Depends where they were originally
Member Access : If permission from the higher-ups, operating powers (op) and the ability to make the event
Getting There
Freshman Access : No, neither
Trial Member Access : No, neither
Unranked Access : No, neither
Took me about 15 minutes to think of, but in my opinion I feel like it's for the best.
Last edited by Foxire; Jan 19, 2015 at 03:55 PM. Reason: Split into certain groups for less confusion ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) and some regulations
self proclaimed lurker and stalker
Originally Posted by Foxire View Post
After the big shit storm on the Inactivity Thread about the "Betting server Incident", I had an idea.

I feel like certain ranks in the clan should have the power to have operating power in events and have the power to make them.
(NOTE : This is an in-game idea)

The Powers : Operator and the ability to make the event.

Leader Access : Yes, both
Founder Access : Yes, both
Clan Commander Access : Yes, both
Executive Officer Access : Yes, both
Prime Chancellor Access : Yes, both
Council Access : Yes, both
Executive Recruiter Access : Yes, operating powers (op)
Recruiter Access : If permission from the higher-ups, operating powers (op)
War Commander Acess : If permission from the higher-ups, operating powers (op)
War Disciple Access : If permission from the higher-ups, operating powers (op)
Veteran Access : Yes, both
Member Access : No, neither
Freshman Access : No, neither
Trial Member Access : No, neither
Inactive Members : Depends where they were originally
Unranked Access : No, neither

Took me about 15 minutes to think of, but in my opinion I feel like it's for the best.

yeah i agree completely with this. this would fix alot of issues and probably would have prevented this whole problem in the first place. nice idea