Good job shook! I think in the future you might use these complex programming softwares to make cool games like Half Life 2!
<3 S <3 o <3 F <3 i <3 n <3 e <3
As far as I recall, you can still make some cool stuff with the lite version of Game Maker.

Edit: Sorry for going off-track.
Sigma | Gata
Lost pet looking for home
Aye, i'm pretty sure you could do most, if not all of what i've done here so far. Sometimes it would require a tad more work, but it's entirely possible.

@Shopaw: Thanks, and i hope so. :U

@Chartle: Ouch. :|

Also, new demo is up, now with level 3 and (almost) proper level endings. However, the highscore tables have been removed (kind of), because it was ugly and unnecessary. :U
Also, with level 3, i've also made the level 4 enemy, Blockface MK2. These guys are going to be annoying, but perhaps not quite as much as the sentries, which are bound to give you hell in level 3 and forward.

Get it here.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Level three is hard, awesome though :0

Also, you could add some incentive for getting hit as little as possible (except the dieing part :P); for example at the end of the level calculate extra points based on health left

Also for some reason the music is gone :O
Last edited by Chartle; Jun 28, 2010 at 10:43 PM.
[o]|ORMO|Replay thread!
Last edited by Chartle; Tomorrow at 13:37 AM..
~downloads Game Maker~ Man.. got me all nostalgic and shit! I'm amazed at what you've done so far, impressive as. I'm guessing you done all the sprites and stuff yourself aswell
~#025, reporting in.~
alpha u get mah babiez<3

dude the boss is ridiculously hard.
also you should make a pause button.
Edit:ha made a strategy to beat him and i managed to do so
That's what all bossfights are about, isn't it? ;)
Also, yes, pause button. I concur fully. The one problem that might arise is that you might get to hear where i rudely chopped the music off, which you otherwise wouldn't hear at all.


@clnb: Awesome.

@Zapachoo: Thanks, and yeah, everything except sounds and music is by me. Not counting Game Maker of course.

@Chartle: Hmm, neat idea. Also, music gone, you say? Odd. How did that happen?

Also, i've now implemented cash, XP and levels. Now i just need to make these values useful, because right now they're just numbers. :U
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol