Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by SomeMustard View Post
name: Joseph
age: 16
GMT: -5
language(s): English, Learning Mandarin ( I'm kind of Garbo at it)
favorite color: Green
have you told your mom that you're gay? (y/n): n because i am so alpha men are basically women to me so i couldn't be gay
is ancient a good boy: You see that is relative because if you like him you'll say yes but what if someone doesn't like him or is neutral. Do you think people that he may of utterly destroyed in toribash will say yes, no they probably won't. What if he bullied someone that turned out to have cancer is that a good boy move i don't think so it is all about perspective. Though do i Think he is a good boy, yes I do I don't see why not.
why do you want to join [w]?: Because I want to be in a group that is at least almost constantly active and official groups have that other wise they become unofficial. Also just a big clan is cool

guys we are actively recruiting!!!! feel free to send in those APPLICATIONS! i very much look forward to reading all of your applications.
pm me your questions or applications


dance with my dogs in the night time
cash to burn
name: Yoel
age: stone
GMT: I don no. Yoel
language(s): Ay cabrón cuando devuélvame el dinero ese?
favorite color: Yoel
have you told your mom that you're gay? (y/n): have you?