Original Post
Better Hands + Feet?
This could be added into the game
The term better hands and feet I mean by adding joints onto the Hands and Feet
Hampa PLZ consider adding this into the game
*and add the things that make up the Tori's body
Maybe in the toribash update 4.3?
And that overload joint thing like on the wii
The thing whee your joint goes really fast and kills fast
That's all

Lazors Moderated Message:
Thread has been merged with other similar threads. Anything in the lines of finger/toe joints goes here.
Last edited by Lazors; Jul 4, 2014 at 03:54 PM.
toribash is not about realism XD its a dummy that you can move

and if you have an hand you have to move the hand joints too and there are alot
Multiple contractions in one
I think that instead of adding new joints to the feet, I think that is should add more control towards the actual ankle, to match more realism, and add something easier to the game, would be a much more viable option
Does a replay display skill, that is the question Dun dun ___
Originally Posted by AnonH4ru View Post
I think that instead of adding new joints to the feet, I think that is should add more control towards the actual ankle, to match more realism, and add something easier to the game, would be a much more viable option

More control, but what are you suggesting? More positions for the ankle?
No no and no just no

This will be awful if you ask me.

I'm a realism parkour replay maker. sure sure it would add realistic features to the astethics of the tori but jesus it would ruin runing and so on just spending hours on directing fingers and toes to itty pitty speciments.

I can see only one thing towards me it would help in towards. getting grip around edges or making turns around poles.

But towards everything else it would be nothing but a pain in the ass.

That's for parkour. Now other mods, i really don't do anything else but parkour nowadays with exeptions of a few madmans or tricking replays.
Aikido or any other mod would change up completely. tactics would be changed and so on. an example

You get lifted in ABD and need to save yourself with one arm free. take your arm and push it right at the edge saving you (in tb without fingers)

You get lifted in ABD and need to save yourself with one arm free. take your arm and push it right at the edge trying to save you. but then your pinky brakes of because of the force.

I could go on with negative stuff. and with positive.

But for my vote i really would quit making Tb stuff if it was implemented without a toggle on of system.
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.