Originally Posted by Mateo View Post
There are a few more around there.

This is what I found.

I only watched 3 gifs about TB next ,this is the 4th one
not gonna lie, i didn't really have much hope for this getting released due to the age of the game, but those gifs are getting me hyped.
I'm just gamin' man
VR for Toribash will be a very interesting thing to have to be honest will be interesting to see how it will work though. I have a few ideas, but I can't wait to see how they do it.
Originally Posted by Jaxon View Post
not gonna lie, i didn't really have much hope for this getting released due to the age of the game, but those gifs are getting me hyped.

Originally Posted by MrMiyagy View Post
VR for Toribash will be a very interesting thing to have to be honest will be interesting to see how it will work though. I have a few ideas, but I can't wait to see how they do it.

Imagine Tori standing in front of you and you keep clicking on him to make him move. Just like coming trolling a robot in a sci-fi movie.

Tho I would really like to make a replay on this to see how different the physics are
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
i think the physics Will not be so diferents, i mean in the gameplay, but in grafics maybe the blood Will stick to the toris or something like that
And VR sounds cool, but imagine play toribash whit a mouse is hard, play it in firts person, triying yo reach a join sounds even harder
But the idea of see a replay in first person sound cool af, imagine someone create a 2vs2 fight bar and the map is desing for the player be the barman and watch toris throwing bottles each other


acually i think the vr would work just great in sp, bc it let you have a better observation of what you are doing when making a replay. when it come to mp i have to agree with you unless they make an auto-target support
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
Originally Posted by Alpha View Post
acually i think the vr would work just great in sp, bc it let you have a better observation of what you are doing when making a replay. when it come to mp i have to agree with you unless they make an auto-target support

jejeje i forget say i was thinking in mp, i want know if we can desing texture sets whit VR