Never really understood the whole modern war thing. They argue over resources and such and waste more of them on a full blown out war.

In the matter of the future, Most people fear the sun becoming a super nova, but most likely humanity won't last long enough to see it happen.

Most people take advantage and waste resources we could be using. (Etc. Water parks,other things)

Just my opinion on the matter.
You can look 50 years down the line, but you can't look 1000 years. Future projections are based on mostly current data and situations. 100 years from now, you're going to have a vastly different society and a vastly different set of problems.

For people really concerned with overpopulation (and the effects of overpopulation on the environment), probably don't be. Globalisation means that places like Africa are developing much more rapidly. As GDP increases, so too do standards of living. When you reach standards of living like you have in 1st world countries, your country's birth rate becomes flat or negative. Simply put, the richer we become, the less kids we have. Globalisation means that everybody (who participates in it... some countries refuse to) is becoming richer... meaning, everybody is having less kids.

In fact, some people are taking this idea and extrapolating that we might be facing an 'underpopulation' crisis in the second half of this century. Some quick reading, for those who care.
We got no idea how world war three will be fought but world war 4 will be with sticks and stone.
Originally Posted by Tourneymun View Post
Never really understood the whole modern war thing. They argue over resources and such and waste more of them on a full blown out war.

In the matter of the future, Most people fear the sun becoming a super nova, but most likely humanity won't last long enough to see it happen.

Most people take advantage and waste resources we could be using. (Etc. Water parks,other things)

Just my opinion on the matter.

Sun will never become a supernova, and it will die only in 5 billion years. The last of our problems, really.

Originally Posted by Frost View Post
We got no idea how world war three will be fought but world war 4 will be with sticks and stone.

Yes, we all love Einstein.

I'll take a look at the article, Ele, once I have some time.
Originally Posted by Frost View Post
We got no idea how world war three will be fought but world war 4 will be with sticks and stone.

People Saying about the next war that it will be the end of the Earth, Due to the Nuke Bombs of Each country. I don't know if that's Right but everything is possible.
And i Believe that war maybe not even with weapon, With Resources. Each state Will try to destroy the economy of other countries.
Oh my god this entire thread is the most sensationalist thing I've ever read.

Look at sketchings of the future from 100 years ago, and then you'll understand why it's just not practical to predict anything but the close future.

In 70 years there may be a huge break through in medicine, saving millions of lives. In 80 years there may be a nuclear holocaust, in 50 years there may be another world war. We don't know. We can't account for the actions of billions of people. Sometimes it only takes one person to completely change everything.
[4:37 PM] ponf: y'all might think i'm not wild enough to send dick pics over toribash
[4:37 PM] ponf: you'd be wrong
uwu i wuv you uwu
I dont think we will be here for.much more time,in 100 years we can be in other planet or something,but as know the human evolves like all the other creatures,we all are animals,we was homo-sapiens and evolved,will dont be humans in the future,but.our next evolution,how far it goes?
well we can survive SINCE they take what is needed to survive in other world,i have heard in a news that big part of all iron and gold will disappear,and this is bad to the technology,it does not need only iron and those cables,they use a bit of the gold too,but as i know there arent much gold as before,this us an trouble to technology that they must find a way to solve before "invade the galaxy"
I dont guess humanity will go much far,much wars,holocausts,death of the flora,new virus etc
in at leaat 40-60 years i guess there will be another holocaust,then,after his end,will probqbly start new techology times,new cars,planes etc
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
inb4 Nabi Studios becomes more famous then Dice and Treyarch in 10 years
Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.
I don't care much for the future, I've got my head stuck in the past. If the world doesn't end in september it'll end some other year, oppression is upon us. I'm only really thinking about planning my career and getting my life together, and then saving the girl I love from her own bullshit life so we can rise to the top together. I wouldn't care if the world ended as long as I had her by my side.
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
I found this website recently that showed all these predicted advances in technology for the next hundred years. And then general ideas of what might happen after that. It said full integration virtual reality should be a thing around 2031 or so. So come that year I will either be the happiest person who will never feel real sunlight again. OR I'll be more disappointed than Leonardo DiCaprio at the Academy Awards...